The heart pirates

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I was woken up by someone shaking me,"Wake up kid it's time for you to get up." Penguin said.

 "Let me die." I say in a small voice. I look at the white gown that they forced me to wear. My moms wedding ring is now around my neck. I wished I was dead. I play with my moms wedding ring. Why did I survive? Low had the devil fruit power he should have lived.

"So-Ming look at me I am a dead fish!" Shachi said making a funny face with is lips.

It gave the the chills I hate that word! A see my brothers dead body flash in my mind. Low must be so angry with me.  My heart raced what was this feeling? Am I sick, I just want to never wake up, why are my arms numb?
"You guys give her an anxiety attack!" Their captain lectured them. Both of the men sat on the floor with their heads bowed.

"We're sorry captain." Shachi and penguin look at me. I turn away from them and stare at the bed. Low I should have died with you.

"So-Ming follow me." Law opens the door and waits for me. He had taken me to a bathroom. How did I get here I don't remember even walking out of the clinic.

"Ok so here's a towel I am sure you can do the rest." He says. Rest of what?

The door opens and a lady hugs Mr Law from behind,"Hey babe wanna come take a nap with me...the kid again?" She gives me a frown. This woman wore a tight shirt and skirt, it shows she really doesn't have much to offer. Law effortlessly shrugged her off.

"Great your here take her a bath will you." Law leaves the bathroom.

She stares at me. I stare back. "Stop staring at me brat! Get in the tub!" She shouts.

I wish Low was here to kick her face in! I take off my gown then notice a white foam in the water. Was it acid? I stare at it. It's kinda cool, like bubbles.

"Stop wasting time!" I feel her push me in the tub. Ugly pink haired lady!
I fall in head first. Water went in my nose. It burns! I raised my head out of the water, blowing the water out. My underwear got wet so did my old socks. I get up for air and gasp for air my eyes closed I was afraid of the foam getting in my eyes.

"Stupid girl! Ew, you're disgusting and ugly!" I hear her yell.

She's so mean! I can hear the door open,"Get out Jazmine. Don't touch my kid!" Mr Law snared at her.

I am not your kid!
[few minutes later]
"Are you in the tub?" Mr.Law asks through the door.

"Yes." I replied, the water was up to my shoulders.

I kept my mothers ring on. I learned that the white foam was just bubbles. It's silly how I was scared of them. "I remember when Low and I were small mom would..." I strail off looking at Law. I am not your kid!

"This is the only time I am taking you a bath." Mr. Law said pouring water over my head, he ignored me.

I was warm. I had never had a good bath. Most of are baths were bad when Low and I were in slaved we had to take baths in the sea. Which were sometimes infested with sea snakes and jellyfish.

"Tell me if I am scrubbing to hard." Mr.Law starts rubbing soap in my hair. I hum, wow this is so relaxing. "Why did you say I was your kid?"

"When did I say that?" He hums as he puts more shampoo in my hair.

"A few minutes ago."

"I don't remember saying that." He put his hand over my forehead, as if shielding my eyes and nose. Then pours the warm water over my head. "Did it bother you?"
Mr. Law brought me a white dress with red lace in the shape of a flower at the back. Also he brought me some undergarments. I dry my hair with a pink towel. We get out of the restroom.

"Hi babe, and kid." Jazmine stares at me. Ugly skank.

"Jazmine, take So-Ming to the kitchen. I will be there shortly." Law pats my head. He also whispered something into her ear that makes he stiffen.

Soon as Law is out of sight she stops smiling and scowls at me,"Your wearing my lingerie as a dress."

WTF is lingerie? A shirt or a dress? "It looks better on me than on you." she spat. When I looked in the mirror it looked to be tailored for me.

"Your just mad cause Mr Law likes me more." What oh no why did I say that? Feeling a sharp pain on my cheek and fall to the cold metal floor. I start to get back up then get my head gets pushed back down. Fucker!

"You don't deserve to live you slug!" Jazmine snarled and heard her walk away.

Her slap wasn't even that hard. I rub my cheek when I stand back up. She is already turning down the hall. Awful woman!

Entering the kitchen I stare at my brothers bracelet as I enter the kitchen with my head down. "So-Ming!" Bepo shouted and picked me up and swing me around. The polar Bear! I wish that Low met him, he's so kind and soft.

The warm hug instantly calms me. He smells nice like marshmallows. I hugged him back, if mom or Low saw me now I think they would be happy or surprised.

"Don't hug her you beast or I will tell Law!" What a jealous bitch! Jazmine's making such an ugly angry face. The others roll their eyes and pay her no mind.
From down the hallway Law appears and seems annoyed he told Bepo what to do.

"Tell me what?" Mr Law walks from behind her to in front of her.

"Well that I love you!" She swoons. He slowly blinks and grips he throat. She coughs an claws and his arm. He squeezes her more and Bepo turns away.

Bepo set me down. My cheek was throbbing. Oh well she is getting in trouble now.. I turn to go sit down next to penguin when law grabs my shoulder,"What happened to your cheek? It's all red and swollen?" Mr Law bends down next to me, "You didn't have this before."

I bite the inside of mouth. Should I tell?Looking at Jazmine she was holding up my mothers ring when did she get that?! "That's my mothers ring!" I run to her to retrieve it.

"Oh! Yes here you go girl." She gives me a fake smile.

I quickly put it back on, I glared at her. "Don't take my stuff!"

"Do you find it fun to hurt children and tell my crew what to do?" I heard Law walk past me to her.

"Huh..." she gasps.

Mr Law punches her into the wall. She's bleeding! But not dead. "I no longer need you."

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