Thanks for the memory even if it wasn't so great

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"What you don't remember your former captain? Or what you did?" He towered over me. He had a large metal arm, a large gash on his face that reached his lips. Did I do that?

I don't remember this guy he is intimidating as hell! He was a bit shorter than brook I think. But he is a giant! His arms are bigger then my head! I slowly take a few steps back. I start get my small blades out of mind space. Just in case.

"I actually lost my memory. So.." Should I call for help?

Then I was picked up and slammed on the floor. Damn I forgot about that other guy. My whole face burns! My ribs hurt like hell! Oh, my body! I definitely need to get out of here.

"Run! Its Captain Kid and Killer from the Kid pirates!" A man screamed, all the villagers stared to panic.

Killer loosed his grip on me. I lift my arms up and used my power to stab him in the arms and I got out. I take out my skateboard and and get on top I rise up flying away. I take out 20 of my switchblades and bring them down on the two men.

That has to at least hurt them.

Suddenly my knifes are redirected to me slashing up my arms and legs! I gasp for breath, my cuts burn from the air and my clothes start to get covered in my blood.

"It's seems you did lose your memories. Don't forget kiddo I can manipulate anything magnetic!" The red head yelled.

Oh okay I guess I have to hit harder with non metallic things. A explosion happened right next to my arm burning my hand.

"AhhhhOWWWW!!" I scream in pain I pull up away from the explosion. He can't hit me if I don't stop moving.

"Radiation Wave!" A wave of electricity knocks the guys down. But only momentarily. Shit! I need help! I fly around and find tires, barrels and cement to try to crush them with it.

"Slam!" I bring 20 pounds of force down on them. Okay, I really need to get out of here, my cuts won't stop bleeding, I got cut far too deep.

"HA! Fuck you! You got owned!" I positioned myself to sit on my skateboard and relax.

"Who owned who?" I heard from behind me! My heart pumped all the blood in my face drained then I look over my shoulder and Kid had a bomb on my back and then heat and darkness.

When I woke up I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air. Then I sent Jin my signal I called her for help I had messed up bad. Blood poured down my head and legs.

"Remember this So-Ming know one makes me look bad." He squeezed harder on my neck. I lost too much blood I cant feel my arms or legs. Using the last of my energy I jab my knife into his chest.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" He laughed and took my arm and bent it at a strange angle. I hear a loud snap and pain surged through my body!

I screamed this is the worst pain I have ever felt. Tears of pain welled up in my eyes. JIN HELP ME!

"You're...a-ugly motherfucker." I grind my teeth and spat in his eye. His eyes turned from amusement to anger. He raises me up and started to throw me down on the ground. I tightly shut my eyes I was going to die!


Then nothing, I was in Jins arms. I felt warm and my arm was back to normal.

"Really Eustass-ya I didn't think you were so low as to fight a child. Heh, guess I was wrong huh?" This voice this is definitely not Jins.

I open my eyes...Trafalgar? Why would he help me? Closing my eyes I listen to what is being said.

"Trafalgar, Glad to have your child back aren't you?"

"Thanks for the memorys bitch. Wait your kid?" I hiss, opening my eyes to glare at him, then I see his friend fall to the floor. Looking at Trafalgar, his kid? This this the missing piece.

Then a very pissed Jin emerged behind her eyes glowing red. She punched Kid on the side of his face knocking him over making the ground crack. She then continues to pull off his fake arm with a loud SNAP!

Jin kept beating him up and Eustass kept murmuring something to her. Trafalgar's crew stared to cower behind Mr Law shaking. My head hurts more.

"Wow she's Pissed."


Jin then stomped on Eustass head then turn her head to us. I jolted back a bit she had a murderous look in her eyes.

"Why are you still standing there? C'mon she's hurt!" She yelled at Trafalgar.

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