My past

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Low and I where born on October the 12th. Our mother was 19 when she gave birth to us. She had bright blond hair. With a light blue eyes. She was thin and had a sweet voice. Our mother was about average height 5,5 or 5'6. Are mother was kicked out of are grandparents house after they found out she was pregnant with my brother and I and that are father was a pirate. 
I never met my grandparents. Though I'm sure they're dead by now.

Now, my uncle loved my mom every much. To the point he too fell in love with his own little sister. But we will get to that later. Our mom taught us all about the sea and we went star gazing almost every night! Her pancakes were the best in the north blue! We went to fishing even going to trips around the Western region of the north blue.

Low and I noticed that we never saw our father and we started to question ourselves if we even had a dad. This is when we were one. Yeah we were very perceptive kids. But that didn't matter are mom was all that we need to be happy! Low had been named after are father and I after my mom, So-mi. We lived in our uncles house he never told my mom how much he loved her so he kept himself busy by going to work or at his friends house.

  My moms wedding ring was a symbol of hope that her father would come back for us. That he didn't forget. But I will always wonder if my mom and dad really did get married? But, Also to keep men from hitting on my awesome mom! She was the best cook and the best at storytelling, hide and seek and everything else!
Are childhood ended when Low and I were three. It was just after our birthday. Mom had taken us a bath and put low in a blue dress shirt with khaki pants. I wore a pink skirt with my pink and white dotted shirt.

"You two our going to be little heartbreakers when you grow up." She smiled at us pinching our cheeks.

We laughed and kissed her cheek. It would be like any other day in the town square. But today was going to be special. In the upcoming year low and I would start school so mom wanted to buy some school supplies while they were on sale.

The sun shine brightly. It gave our mom a glowing look with her yellow sundress and white hat on.  My mom looked like a goddess! I bet that my grandparents wished they had never kicked her out.

She smiled down at us and told us she loved us and that after all the shopping was over we could go to the beach and go for a nice swim.

"Really, swimming!" Low hopped around.

I followed my brothers example,"Yay yay, seashell time!" I sung loudly.

The crowd in the street scattered and shouts could be heard behind us. A man with a gray jacket and a red mask was running away from the marines with a suitcase in hand. We watched as the marine captain said to shoot. Are mom quickly moved us out of the way and the shoots rang out.
My mom was killed my stupid marines!

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