Heart pirates: Past

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{This goes with the chapter after when So-Ming goes to sleep with law for the first time.}

  During breakfast I noticed one of the older men from Laws crew giving he a strange look. It disgusted the heck out of me! The man had short Amber brown hair with Cowboy hat on. His name was Kent. He was 37 years old and always seemed to always have his mind on women. Or in my case me.

That night Law stayed with me till I fell asleep. But Mr. Law seemed more protected towards me the first few weeks. So he came to check on me a lot.
I felt my bed dip down. Someone was on my bed! Pulling the covers a bit I cautiously take a peek of what was on my bed.


He covered my mouth with his hand. Adding force so I couldn't move. I quickly began to struggle. My heart pounding in my chest. Letting out muffed screams.

"Quiet! You pleasured the captain when you sleep with him correct? Now you will do the same to me." He gave me a wicked smile.

How how can I get away?! I bit his hand hard. Pirates are gross!

"ACK!" Kent hissed letting me go.

I push off of him and get out of the clinic bed. Rushing to the door Kent gets a hold of me pinning me to the floor. Kent licked his lips,"So you like it rough? I will give you rough!"


He slapped me hard and gaged my mouth. Kicking with my foot to his private area didn't seem to have any effect on him!

Silver? It was a flash of it. A knife no a blade! He cut open my pajama shirt! He began to touch me and yank on my hair. I used my arms to stop his hands but he began to lick my stomach and neck. I tried to call for help I didn't like this he was disgusting and he was hurting me!

Tears well up in my eyes. Making loud noises to try to call for help but nothing. Kent was now biting me!

"Let's take it to the next level shall we? So-Ming." Kent gave me a perverted grin and started untying the belt of my pajamas bottoms! I push away from him with my legs I was free! Ripping off the gag I screamed for Law.

"Fuck you little-!" Kent yanked a handful of my hair and threw me across the room. With a loud bang. He glared at me.

The door opened. A tall figure stood in the doorway. But Kent didn't notice.

"I have to go now but, you can't tell anyone kid or else I'll come back here and this time you won't get away from me." He chuckled.

I sniffed and looked at the doorway.

"Bye you little bitch." Kent turned toward the door to leave. The lights turned on. Revealing a pissed looking Law with his unsheathed Nodachi.

"C-Captain wh-what, did y-you? How long..."

In a swift motion Mr.Law kicked Kent right into the wall knocking him unconscious. Law looked back at me. Shivering I back away from them both. Vain's appeared on Laws forehead he glowered at Kent.

Law went to the cabinet across the room. Taking out a small blanket.


I let out a shaky breath,"S-Sir?"

"Don't cry, I will make him suffer for what he was doing to you. Come." He motioned over to me.

Walking over to law covering my chest with my arms. Mr. Law kneeled down to me wrapping me up in the blanket. Placing his hat on my head.

Wiping my nose with the back of my hand I hold on my urge to cry.

"Wake the others after that stay in my room. I don't want you to see what will happen this poor excuse for a crew mate."

I nod and bow before leaving to wake the others.

"Fufufu did the soldiers try to come into your cell girl?" The young master mocked.

I shrugged. As I watched them play with the toy slaves. I wonder where my things are. My powers are strong enough to keep the men from entering my cell. I don't think the family will place me in a sea prism cell just yet.

One full year has past since then. A full year of being a slave to dofalmingo. A full year of getting stronger! I won't let this bring me down and I will escape from here!

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