The raid

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"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!" I jumped and hugged Law. The crew had emptied a store room and made a room for me. I feel so full and happy. The crew has a men's dorm and a woman's dorm that is not being used right now.

My bedroom was a pastel orange color and I had a bunk bed with a desk under it. A cute neon green lamp and some medical books!

He caught me and put me on his shoulder,"So it's safe to say that you like your new room?"

I nod,"Has a funny smell but I love the color and now I have a proper bed, I love you." I kiss his cheek hugging is face.

"This is so fucking cute." Penguin says.

Mr. Law sits me down on my new bed. Which had yellow flowers and black spots. Wiz had paint all over him and penguin took a picture of him too.

"Jack will bring your things in, also we are going to a island whatever you do don't leave the ship alone." Law said seriously.

"You're the boss." I say and hug my fluffy pillow. This room is weirdly decorated.
I had got some sunflowers for Low and told him all about my room and how I missed him. Things where looking up I had sown up the bracelet back together and I polished my moms ring. I haven't given anything to Law. I will give him some flowers!

Running out of my room I look for one of the cousins to come with me but I found no one left in the submarine.

Opening the hatch to the outside I hear the distant sounds of yelling. I walk off the deck and on the beach. Women and children ran in different directions. What was going on...

Fire in the small town. Black and grey smoke filled the sky.

"Mom mom help!" I hear a boy shout he was inside a building that was beginning to burn.

Without thinking I ran in the building. But what was I going todo I am only 6.
I see the boy he was passed out on the floor now. I grab his arms and pull him to the entrance. That's when his mom came in and picked him up and ran out. She left me.

Getting out of the building I see some of the villagers with guns and swords. They started running towards me! Spinning around I run into the crumbling town. Smoke filled the air small embers flew around. I had lost the men. But now I am lost in this death trap!

Bright side the men weren't chasing me anymore.

"Bepo! Shachi! Killy! Hey Law!" I call but nobody answered.

"Guys hello!" I stop I see the dead bodies of the villagers cut in half....

I ran away from them and I panicked.

"Law! Wiz! Penguin! Anyone!" I shout at the top of my lungs. I started so sweat, my eyes are watering too. The wind blows the smoke in my direction.

So hot! I feel like I am suffocating. The house behind me falls which makes the place feel even hotter! It's getting hard to breathe. The sound of something cracking and the sound of bricks falling caught my attention. I stopped, I regretted it. I falling chimney was going to crush me! After that I can't remember what happened next only that I wake up in my new bed. It wasn't a bad dream was it?
"That sure was a fun raid huh Will." I hear Alexis say.

"Yes sir, sure was good fun. Except for the part that So-Ming almost died." Will answered.

I keep my ear to the kitchens doors. So it wasn't a dream. What's a raid?

"Sure got lots of goodies." Killy added.

"Hell yeah! So how may of thoughts stupid villagers did you kill Alexis?" Jack had joined the conversation.

They killed the villagers? I didn't want to hear any more. I stopped listening and headed to my room. I would never forget this. They saved me but killed those people.

Why, because we are pirates.

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