Days with the family

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"Oi father! Yo dad. Hey bruh! Fatherー"

"What?" Doffy stops reading and looks over at me. We are in the garden outside the castle. The day was turning into evening.

"It's Halloween." I spin with my arms raised to the sky. Wait I need to act scary.

He looked unimpressed,"So."

"Let's build a fort! Or dress up." I beam, normally one would go out and dress up. This year I wanted to spend some quality time with my dad.

"A fort? That's ridiculous it will take to much time for that." Father looked back at the book.

I climbed on his lap," Not just a fort-fort a pillow fort!" I say ecstatically.

He shrugged,"Have you taken your medicine?"

I nod. Father fixes his sunglasses and stands up picking me up along with him. Father smiles at me and hands me the book he was reading.

"Fort building time!" I squeal.
I flew across the room and hit the floor the executives we're not going easy on anyone. But no one attacked father. But sure attack the princess!

I will win this FIGHT!

"PILLOW ATTACKS!" I screamed charging towards Pica with a horde of pillows.

"Ow! Lin!" He squeaked.

I grin triumphantly,"Baby 5, Buffalo and Sugar help me take him down!"

They smile at me,"Roger!"

"Enough." Father said casually stopping us with is strings."I promised Lin I would build a fort with her, now out all of you." Doffy used his strings to move everyone out of the room.

His room was a big mess. Pillows everywhere and fathers bed was messed up. But with his powers and mine we could clean up and make the best fort ever!

Even if along the way I fell asleep.
[breakfast time]
I hit my head on my way out of the bathroom. Making a loud thud. It was 7:15 I walked out of my room in my pink Pjs.

As I walk down the stairs I see sugar half way down the stairs looking around.

"Good morning Sugar!" I whisper yell.

She turns to me and waves,"Good morning to you to young mistress."

Hopping down several steps I reach her. We walk together,"How's your big sister? What was her name...Monet right!"

Sugar nodded,"She's doing fine I guess."

I wonder if I had siblings? I still can't remember anything about my family or if I even had one. Looking at sugar I should ask everyone some questions about where they found me.

Sugar and I both sat down everyone was now pouring into the dining room. Now it was my time to ask some questions.

"Father I wanted to ask where did you find me?" I look at dofalmingo's expression, nothing had changed he just yawned.

"If you keep taking those pills then you will be to answer all your questions by yourself."

He didn't answer my question. I have been taking my pills for 4 months now and nothing has come back! I've being growing a bit suspicious. He's lying to me isn't he?

I wonder what will happen if I stop talking the pills? I should try to find this Trafalgar, he's or she is never here.

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