Your not a good pillow

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As we got out of the submarine I was hit will a cold blast of wind. Why was it so cold outside! I shivered and buried my head into the crook of Laws neck.

"W-Why is it cold-d. C-Can we sleep in the s-submarine." I whined.

"No that's the thing about camping sometimes it's unpredictable." He rubs my back. Not even shivering or shuddering in the slightest.

"What if the others get hypothermia and die?" I ask.

"They won't I put them up in pairs, Like Wiz and Jack, they have a side by side hammock their will the body heat will help along with a furry blanket." Law explained.

"Okay but what about Bepo?" I shivered.

"He's a bear he loves the cold." Law said and pointed to the beach.

I looked behind me and Bepo was indeed having a blast in the cold. He was even playing in the freezing water! That lucky bear!

"So who am I with?" I asked, snuggling up with Law.

"With me kiddo."

"But I am small I won't keep you warm."

"You will keep my upper body warm but it's mostly for you not to get cold."

I looked at what Mr. Law was wearing. His yellow hoodie with black shorts. How was he not cold?!
After Law got in the hammock I got in. It was pretty far off the ground. But it was big enough for 2 people. So I guess it's alright. I had laid down on top of Law's chest. He was bony.... I don't like bony!

He pulled the covers over us. Try as I might I could not get in a good spot. The wind blew cold air in to my face and I moved closer to laws shoulders. To try to get more body heat.

"Mr.Law your not a good pillow." I say sadly. Rubbing my face on his hoodie.

His shoulder was too bony to get comfortable. So was his stomach and chest!He said nothing. Is he ignoring me?!

"Turn on your back and look at the sky." He said in a yawn.

I turn around and saw a shooting star! Me and Low went star gazing with our mom when we were both 2. The stars twinkled. Law pointed out constellations until I fell asleep.
"Uncle what you doing?" Low asked.

We had just turned 3 about 5 days ago. I griped onto my brothers back. I was scared. Where was are uncle taking us?

"I want Momma." I say tearing up.

"Me too!" Low stopped walking.

We had reached a ship yard. It was creepy looking. I saw some other kids on the ship they looked scared and hungry.

"Low let's go home." I say.

"Uncle...BYE!" Low took my hand and we ran away.

When we heard sounds of yelling and stomping!Soon some other kids tackled us and took us back. Where we where sold...for the first time.
My eyes fluttered open. I look around I was in a Hamic. With Law and it was still night time. The hammock swayed gently side to side. It wasn't that cold any more just crisp. The wind blew and the trees in the forest rustled.

I looked at Law he had this pained look in his face and he gripped the blanket. I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Feel better?" I asked.

He let out a sigh,"Yeah."

"Law, do you think that I will ever meet my real dad?" I asked.

He yawns,"You can't fly if you never tried."

I was confused I can't fly I am not a bird,"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just that you will have to try out different things to achieve your goal. Now it is uncertain, he might be dead or he could still be alive."

Law says The most morbid things. I take a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh. I lay on his shoulder depressed. At least he loved me.

I tapped Law. He looked down at me.

"Hug me." I say smiling.

"I don't take orders from you." Was his reply and went back to sleep.

Frowning I tapped him again,"Hug me."

He pushed my head.

I spread my arms out,"HUG!"

Law gave me a glare, "Don't tell me what to do."

With that he put his spotted hat over his face and I got out of the hammock and head over to the others. If he won't give me a hug I will get one from Bepo.

"So-Ming -ya where are you going?" Law called.

"To get a hug." I say pouting waking away from the hammock.

"Room. Shambles."

I was back in the hammock laying down. Law pulled the covers over my shoulders and hugged me tightly.

The hug left like he was crushing my ribs!

"Your hugging me to tight daddy." I laughed.

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