Step closer to Sabaody Archipelago

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When I woke up Mr.Law had already left. Now I'm not sure if he was coming back but I put my pillow under the covers and hid under Laws desk. I giggled to myself, I am a Genius, I'm gonna scare him!

Soon enough Mr.Law comes in and walked over to the bed.

"Miss So-Ming get up." He said to the pillow.

I slowly crept up behind him. He then yanked the sheets off and saw that it wasn't me but a pillow.

I lacked myself onto Laws leg,"Boo!"

He started down at me not saying a word. He pulled me off his leg and pinched my nose.

"What did I say about hiding." He scolded me.

"Right, sorry." I rub my nose.

Law sits me down and the bed and sat sideways looking at me.

"Now it turns out that that boy David is the 2nd son of a noble on the next island." Law smiles.

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Very. When we get there you will be coming with us. That way he won't runaway. If he starts touching you, stab him." Law gave me a small switchblade

"Aye aye!" I grin and take the well polished switchblade.
"Couldn't stay away huh." David said winking at me.

I let out a exasperated sigh. Regular nobles are stupid just like celestial dragons. He then wrapped his arm around me. I responded back with the knife in his side.

David jolts back and let go of me. He huffed and touched his small wound. "You stabbed me!"

I barely touched him and he's acting like that. Law and the rest of the crew started moving into the town up ahead. I pushed David froward and walked behind them.

The town had Little to no security at all. So breaking in there was a cinch. Now The real fun begins! Low watch over me.

"Where is it that you live boy." Law looked at david.

He shuttered and said nothing. Law looked at me. I roll my eyes and rub the nobles back begrudgingly.

With that he spilled where he lived. Large blue house with 2 chimneys the fence with crosses. Red flag on the mailbox. Next to the a supermarket with fish and the trading post is at the back of the blue house. Filled with gold and precious Gems. On a street called Heavenly mint.

"And we no longer need you alive." Law smirks evilly at David.

"You can't kill me! The navy will go after you and this will be in the papers! Also the town-" David was cut off by Law.

"What town?"

I looked over at shachi he had a fire bomb into some houses. They are buying the whole place to the ground?

"So-Ming go back to the submarine." Law instructed.

I nod and leave the entrance of the town. Back into the secluded part of the forest that lead to the sea.
The submarine jolted side to side. The crew was panicking. Some marine named Garp was after us!

"No way we are letting this bastard take us in!" Jack fired a missile at Garps ship.

"Just a few more islands till we reach Sabaody Archipelago! He's not gonna get us NOW!"

Harp then used the boosters to get us out of the battlefield. After we ditched the marines we noticed that most of the medical supplies we're badly damaged. So on the next island we are getting all the supplies we need.

"Mr.Law what's Sabadoy archim- something like?" I asked tugging on his pants.

"Sabaody Archipelago I hear its dangerous and 10 other pirates like us will be there as well. I want to meet that straw hat, hear he's insane." Law says then pushing me away.

"So-Ming here have this." Law gave me a gray backpack with one strap and gold buttons.

"Oooo cool thank you Mr.Law." I say taking it and putting it on.

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