Keeping secrets

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So-Ming? Could that be my name? Of course its my name its cute like some nick name. Though I'm not sure how I know her. In time the medicine should get put of my system but it took a long time for me to figure it out. I wish I could remember. I rub my temples slowly. I was thinking of maybe keeping the name Lin since I was so used to it and making up a name for myself eh would take forever and I would keep changing it.

"Miss J-Jin? How've you been?" I smile siting up on the bed.

Miss Jin smiles back,"Just fine. I knew it was you, your eyes and scent gave it away." She said I got a glance of her sharp teeth. Scent?

I looked around the room it was clean and neat. Fluffy white sheets two wooden chairs by the window. The bathroom door was open with a mirror hanging on the door frame. Then the it was the hallway that lead to another room I couldn't see.

"So where are we?" I asked Jin. I'm not getting bad vibes from her and there is something familiar about her too.

"This summer island it doesn't really have a name. But the locals call it Sol. The island has a fun magnetic field that can make you float if your not are not careful. But we are in a small village on the coast." Jin explains in detail where we are.

I nodded. I was so happy I found someone who knew me. I now know my name, So-Ming. I should have picked it up sooner, mom's her name was So-mi! She had blond hair like me and Low said I had her smile. I was named after her!

"So-Ming lets go for a walk. We have a lot to talk about." Miss Jin held her hand out to me.

"Yeah let's go Jin-ya." I gave her a genuine smile. She's not a spy she a good person right?


Men and a few women sat polishing their weapons. All the men had short hair while the women had either short hair or hair tied back. They were very concentrated on weapons Not even noticing Jin or I.

She put her hand on the top of my head she gave me a smile and looked at the other people,"Hey guys I'm back! This is my kid," Jin gave out a super scary aura making all the men shiver. Weird vibe but okay.

  Feeling awkward I say hello in a soft voice. But I don't think they heard me. I turn my eyes to Miss Jin. She was very pretty and in some ways reminded me of my momma. Though thinking of my past made me get a headache.

Jin stretches her arm out towards the group of people,"This is my mercenary group I travel with."

"Mhm." I nod. I looked at her hand I wanted to hold it. I didn't feel safe here. Hmm, I don't want to leave without her. She knows me and I fee like I should trust her.

  "Want to hold my hand kiddo?" Jin asked extending her arm out to me.

   I puff out my cheeks and quickly take a hold of her hand. I am such a weakling. I shouldn't get attached so quickly.

  I follow Jin through the crowd of people making sure not to step on them. Soon we are away from the camp site and into a open field of flowers with a perfect mountain view.  

  "Pretty huh kid, I wish I could stay here for another week. Sadly we are leaving tomorrow afternoon." Jin pauses and looks at me.

"Did they come back for you?" Jin sat on the ground staring at me.

Come back? Who? If someone left me they certainly never come back for me or I would be with them. Unless it was Doflamingo and he found me so, yeah I was left behind by someone?

"No. They didn't." I say. I think hard about my past but, I get nothing.

"Some family, how could they leave you. I should have stayed with you." Jin said angrily.

Oh crap did I make her upset? I looked at Miss Jin she looked back at me looking guilty. I sit next to her and hug her. Why am I hugging her? Geez, I'm weak.

"I'm sorry, I left you So-Ming. These new people are after me. Not to mention Moira was after me back then. But I won't leave you now I promise." Jin hugged me back and placed a kiss on the top of my head, "I will always be here for you."

Why does she care so much? I'll read her mind.

  I won't let a little girl be alone. Like I was, no kid deserves to be lonely or forgotten. She feels like my kid, my daughter. God, I am losing it.

"Thanks for caring so much but, you really don't know me that well." I say grimly. I thought about Doflamingo. Some dad he was. He's probably coming back to find me. Or worse he will tell Kaido I deserted. I shiver even thinking of Wano. I want to stay far away.

"Then tell me where have you been the last two years?" Miss Jin asked.

My heart thumped in my chest rapidly. I blow out some air. Letting out a stifle laugh. "I ate a devil fruit." Keeping it vague hoping she can fill in the blanks for me. Doflamingo and the damn pills really had a bad effect on my mental stability. 3 years of my life are missing.

My recent past is going to stay locked away with me. I push away from our embrace and sit next to Jin.

"Wow really? Last I saw you, you didn't have a devil fruit." Her voice changed a bit. Does she know? I read her mind once again.

Something else definitely happened.

Back at the hotel I took a bath and Miss Jin bought me some new clothes. I owe her. Her kind smile reminds me of my mom. It feels nice to feel warm inside.

I wore a white and green shirt with blue jeans. Jin did my hair in a high ponytail she's the best thing that's happened to me to far. Suck IT Doflamingo!

"Foods ready!" Jin came in the room with a plate of meat and vegetables that her gang had caught from the dark forest. Well that's what they called it since the trees are purple and black.

"Yum, thanks for the food Jin-ya." I start digging in.

After a few minutes of eating Jin broke the silence,"So-Ming I want you to come with me. We can sea the world I don't care about the One piece, I'm looking for the strawhats, maybe you can help."

Swallowing the meat I thought about how great it would be to be with someone like Jin. I wanted to visit fishman island and find my dad. Mom said he was coming back for us one day. Though maybe he stopped when he didn't find us? Well at least I have some what of a plan. Now I didn't have to do it alone.

"Yeah I would, Really like that." I say shyly.

"Your so cute." Jin reaches over the table and pinches my cheek. Mom used to do that a lot. Like a mom is watching me through her.

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