L x Reader

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Hey! So today is Monday so here is another update! :)

And thank you to all who have followed this story and  for you're guy's support! Make sure you go and check out my brand new story College/University Series that can be found on my page!

So thank you for reading this story that have over 200,000 reads! Holy smokes thank you guys!

And now onto the story!


"She is our top detective L, so yo will be working with her until we decide otherwise," the chief inspector was telling L.

You didn't know him but you didn't trust him much and he was getting that from you. You also realized he didn't trust you much either.

But you accepted the family's plea to have (yn) to help solve their murder case. You know h and they knew you so of course they wanted your help.

Not only that but you are exceptionally good at solving murders.

But this L guy is refusing to work with you and you didn't know why. You didn't know him and he sure as hell didn't know you so why does he already hate you?

"Fine, but I will only speak to her when I absolutely have too," he was talking into the computer as he didn't even make the time to come to the station.

"Fine by me, you'll just slow me down with your questions," was all you said before leaving to go to nene of the murder. You just had to wait to see if 'L' will agree to 'helping' you. You didn't need it but apparent,y they needed him.

You took a cab to the crime scene and was only there before you left. As you were leaving you saw an old man carrying a suit case.

You realized that this guy was her for L.

"Hey, tell him he doesn't need to help me, I got this," you caught his attnion on and he nodded.

"He told the others that he will help and he is a man of his word, would you like to accompany me to the crime scene?" He asked you politely. You shook your head.

"I was just there, I have all the information that I need," he nodded before continuing on to the cork me scene.

You took a cab to your apartment and started to break down the murder case with the evidence you had.

The nex day you hurried to e police station. You had lost track of time as you didn't go to sleep last night, too excited as you put together the murder case and how it all went down.

"(Yn), where were you? We are in the middle of discussing the murder case. I was just about to come find you to see if you had any information? L said he was still looking but he is positive to have results by the end of the week," you nodded at the man before running with him to the meeting room.

When you entere the room all heads went to you and probably L's, the screen only should L in calligraphy.

"I know who the murder is."

After explaining who the murdere was and displaying the evidence you had, two men went out to capture the man and you sat in the chair leaning back.

"When did you go to the crime scene? Water i to me you wee three for 5 minutes in total before leaving?" L's voice peirced through the silence in the room.

"I got everything I needed in that 5 minutes. If you know what you are looking for then you don't have to be there long reall you," was I answered with.

"Also. I spent the night on this, the victim was a friend so that helped, if I was the family, I would want to know what went down sooner rather than later," after I said this the screen went black, he disconnected.

"He is probably really frustrated, you made him look like the dumb one," one of the guys said with a laugh. You shrugged your shoulders. You were a great detective, everyone slowed you down.

You were heading home when your phone buzzed.

"Meet me in the nearest coffee place -L"

"Not mad that I discovered who the killer was before you?"

"You have intrigued me, I wish to talk."

Brainy is the new sexy.


Big Sherlock fan ovah here. Sorry if he was out of character I am rushing this as I am packing all my new school supplies and such xD

Thank you so much for reading :)

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