Kyouya x Reader

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Ok, I suppose i should start on these. As promised i shall make these next few oneshots longer than usually and that is what she said so oh well.

Ok, i know i haven;t been uploading a lot of things lately, but I've been pretty busy, this is my final year of highschool, and i have like only a month left so I will be doing my best to focus on school and all the good stuff.

Ok, anyways that's my excuse xD

and also the end of my author's note.


"(y/n) Come on! You don't want to be late for your first class! What happened to new year new year? I mean we weren't going to be late this year! At all!" you heard your best-friend (f/n {friend's name}) say, well yell at you as you two were hurrying down the hall ways in the stupid dresses that this school calls a uniform. You were thankful that you didn't have to wear some fancy highheels. instead you were your sneakers.

"Yeah, I'm trying," you said, lifting up your dress so you could run faster.

"Come on!" You glanced at and saw your friend turning a corner, you stopped dead in your tracks when you turned and saw Kyouya telling your friend off how she was late for her class and that does not give her permission to run in the halls. You didn't know why but he was always really rude when he wasn't i the damn host club place.

Especially to your friend.

"Calm down alright? Beside we still have like a minute, we could make it," you heard he tell him right back, snapping.

"That still doesn't give you the right to run in the halls," Kyouya argued. You let out a laugh, having them argue like a married couple always cracked you up.

You say Kyouya glance at you before looking right back at your friend.

"Yeah well move! I don't want to be late," she said running ahead. "Come on (y/n)!"

You didn't move.

"When are you two going to get together?" You asked Kyouya who gave you a dirty look.

"I wouldn't want to spend another second more then I have to with her," he told you, his glare deepening.

"Yeah well you two argue like an old married couple," you told him, he scoffed.

"No we don't," he argued with you.

"You jsut can't stop arguing can you?" You asked him.

"It's not like I try, it's just a lot of people say a lot of stupid things."

Instead of arguing back like you wanted to, you rolled your eyes and started to walking away. That's when you heard the bell ring.


You hated your english teacher, she was always on everyone cases when they were late. She disliked you already, you didn't want to start the year on her bad side, but it looks like you will be. You started walking again, dreading the moment you'd have to interrupt her lecture at the beginning of her class.

You heard a pair of feet fall instep with you and your were surprised to see Kyouya.

"If I enter with you, she won't be so mad," you smiled a bit feeling relief that you wouldn't have her on your case, but frowned.

"Why would you help me?" You asked Kyouya who only helps when he gets something out of it. "What would get out of helping me?"

"Your trust."

The rest of the walk was silent until you had to open the door. You hesitated and because of that Kyouya walked ahead of you and opened the door to the classroom, the teacher going silent but smiled upon seeing Kyouya. And that is what he gets out of being a teacher;s pet.

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