Kyouya x Reader

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I shall do this. These updates are slow unless you readers request a character... Otherwise i procrastinate in picking who I am going to do next... Cause that's what she said xD


Your POV

You sat, staring intently at Tamaki Suo, the host club king. You didn't understand why he was so... Obnoxious, so arrogant so... So weird. He just, through his 'heart' around everywhere. He goes t girls, and make them fall for him, with-out a care in the world.

'He is a host, and this is how be makes the money,' the thought sickened you. How can he make money, by playing with girl's hearts? Well he does it, and Kyouya is the reason why this Host Club is still around.

You sighed as you thought about Kyouya. You didn't understand him. He was so nice and generous to all of the other girls that went to the host club, but to you, inside, and outside of the host club, he was always so cold.

You had asked Honey-sempai about this, he said that he didn't understand it either. 

Even Mori-sempai didn't know. 

It bothered you. You knew Kyouya ever since you were small kids. When you guys were smaller, he would laugh more. He didn't have the thoughts of over-achieving his brothers, and somehow getting his father's respect. Now, he is cold, and never talks to you much. 

He always is talking to that Haruhi girl, and it makes you sad to know he'd rather talk to a girl he just met, than a girl whom he had always known. 

He doens't know that you know Haruhi is a girl, no one does, it is pretty much your little secret. You don't want them to know in case Kyouya decides you can't come to the the Club anymore because you know more than you should. 

You stood up, the feelings that you were going to cry. You hated showing that you were weak. You walked towards the doors of the host club, knowing no eyes were on you, everyone was too busy having fun, and living it up with the hosts. The hosts were doing their job. 

Kyouya was ignoring you. 

Haruhi was a girl.

Tamaki was an idiot.

Honey and Mori-sempai held your trust tightly against their chests.

The twins were hilarious and always made you laugh.

The twins. 

You turned your direction to the twins, amazingly, empty tables. You smiled gracefully as you sat down next to them. 

"Oh, hey (y/n), how is it going?" Hikaru ask you.

"It's going well, i just needed a laugh, so I came here," You smiled and laughed at their hurt expressions.

"So you only come here for a laugh?" Kauro said in a fake hurt voice.

"That is so rude, how do you think that makes us feel?" Hikaru continued on. 

"I'm sorry?" you questioned.

"Sorry? Is that all you can say to us?" You laughed.

"You should be sorry, by why are you questioning it?" they always knew what to do, even if they weren't trying hard, you would laugh. The twins held that against you. 

"Hikauru, Kaoru, I believe you have customers waiting for you," The three of you looked up at Kyouya. He was staring only at the twins. You let out a sigh.

"See you later (y/n)!" the said in unison.

"Definitely," you replied to the two of them. You glanced up at Kyouya, and noticed he was staring at you.

You shrugged it off since it doesn't matter if you caught his eye anyway. He is going to pretend that it didn't even happen. 

Like there was nothing between the two of you at all. 

You felt you throat seem to tighten, and you left quickly. 

You didn't hear the footsteps that followed you out of the club.

You started to run to the only place that made sense to you right now. The gardens. If you could just get to the gardens, you'll be alright. No one usually there at this time of day anyways, you could cry all you want. 

Once you were outside, you started to run, lifting the yellow dress, enabling you to run faster. 

"(Y/N)!" You heard his familiar voice call out to you.

The tears spring to your eyes, and once you were at the gardens, and were well into the maze, you collapsed. 

"(y/n)" his voice called out to you gently. You felt his hand land on your shoulder, his gentle touch bringing warmth to you body. And you began to hope once more.

"What? Kyouya, what do you want now?" your coldness to him was out of your heart, because he brought the same coldness to you for the past years.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), I am so sorry," you stopped, and looked at him, tears flowed down your face, as the man you truly loved stood right in front of you, his eyes cloaked with sorrow. 

"I regret my actions towards you, I never meant to harm you, but today in the club, you looked like you were going to cry at any moment, and I knew it was because of me," you listened to him, he was crouched down to yuor level now.

"When I saw you with the twins, you were laughing, I realized. I wanted to bring you happiness, but I don't know how," he continued on. He pulled you into his lap, wiping the tears from your eyes.

"I want to, but (y/n), I want to bring you happiness, but I want you," his cheeks were a light pink as he said his words. It took a moment for you to register them, but when you did, you reached forward and pulled his ehad towards your own. 

The rest, was a dream come true to you.

"(y/n), will you be my girlfriend?".

~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~

A host settling down, never would have thought except Tamaki and Haruhi.... maybe.

but there you go. 

Have fun children.


Or it will be a month maybe two, until I write in this story again because I hate coming up with ideas of 'who' for this book. 


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