Mello x Reader

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This character was requested and he is from the anime Deathnote.
It's been a long time since I have watched the anime, or read the manga so... Yeah sorry.

And thank you for the 400k (just about) readers guys!

Thanks for reading!



You ran to the usual coffee shop, it was early in the morning and you want to get there so you had a chance of getting a fresh made bun that they sell only in the morning.


Because they are out by 11 am.

You usually headed here around 7 pm to do homework for your classes.

"Good morning (y/n), you're here early, don't you come here in the evening?" The work Todd asked you, recognizing you. You nodded.

"Yes, but the homemade buns are always out by then," he laughed when you said that.

"They are very popular it seems," you nodded and was glad when you saw that there was a by stack of them still behind the glass.

"I'll take 3 please," he nodded and went to package three of them for you.

"Will we see you in the evening?" He asked you and you nodded.

"Of course, I always have a ridiculous amount of homework," you replied while paying for the goods.

"Have a good day!" He said and you were about to reply as you took you leave but you ran into someone as you were turning. You dropped the buns, but they remained in the package and for that you were thankful.

"I am so sorry," you said quickly before glancing the man you bumped into. He had blonde hair that was pretty long, and black vest type of thing. He gave you a rude look for leaning down and picking up your buns.

When he turned to you this time, his look had softened.

"It's fine (y/n), how have you been?" He asked you which caught you off guard.

"Uhh... Wait Michael?" You said quickly realizing who he was.

"The one and only," he said and at this you wrapped your arms around him.

"Oh my god, it's been years since I've last seen you, we were kids even!" You said getting excited.

"Yeah, it's been awhile," he confirmed, a small smile on his lips.

"You changed so much, k didn't even recognize you," you told him honestly and he shrugged.

"That happens, you however stayed exactly the same, same (eye colour) that I loved so much," you laughed a bit at this remembering when you were kids that he used to say that about your eyes. Though now thinking about it, I didn't think it would have mattered if you had bright blue eyes or memorizing green eyes, or dark or light brown eyes, it was you and that what counted to him.

"So, what have you been up to?" You asked him and he gave another shrug.

"Nothing important really, you?" You shrugged too.

"Same old same old, school and what not," he nodded.

"Hey do you want to hang out, unless you're busy," you shook your head quickly.

"I was just going to head home, we can hang out," you replied and was rewarded with a smile.

"Great, here are your buns," you smiled.

" I almost forget about them, hey you need to try one, they are delicious," he nodded.

"I know, they are the reason why I come here," you smiled nodding.

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