Sasuke x Reader

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Never liked this f&ck, but hey oh well

Sasuke x Reader

You threw another kunai at the tree trunk. Angry at Sasuke for leaving, and for returned and for being a complete idiot. 

He always said that he was alone, that he had no one left that he cared about anymore. You were always there for him! You always were an open book for him!

You weren't like Sakura about your feelings. You just made it clear that no matter what, you'll be there for him. 

So why does he do this to you?

He came back yet he doesn't even acknowledge you! I don't get him. 

With-out realizing it, your wind chakra made your kunai go right threw a tree trunk and landed ina rock. 

You were shocked. Naruto had tried to explain to you what you could do with your wind chakra, but it never turned out good. 

You tried to contrl what your were feeling in order to do the same thing again. 

This time it went threw 2 trees before it landed in a rock. 

You were overly happy about your acomplishment. 

"Nice work," you knew that voice any where. Why is he here now?

"What do you want Sasuke," You were really fed up with him. Having him ignore you every time you tried to say hi. Having him just pass right by you. 

"I-... I just wanted to say I am sorry," You sighed. 

"Whatever, I'm done with you," You turned around to see him, one last time. His eyes were full or sorrow and regret. You looked away knowing if you looked any longer, your self control would split and you would run to his side. 

"Wait a second," you didn't and you (i was about to type you ninja'd away xD), started to run. 

You were always faster than the Uchiha so it didn't matter. As long as you ran your fastest he woul-.

"I said wait a minute," You felt your arm being pulled back, a hand holding onto you. 

"No, Sasuke, leave me alone, I can't keep doing this with you. I tried to be there for you when we were kids, you ran away breaking my heart. Yet you came back, and every time I tried to be there for you, you rejected me, and then you did the thing I told you I hated. You ignored me and it hurt me. I'm really fed up with you and please just leave me alone, I can't do this," Your voice cracked but you managed to refrain yourself from crying. 

He was about to pull you in for a hug, and even though you really wanted to, you pushed him away. 

"No Sasuke I can't because-".

"Becaue why (y/n)? I don't want you to get over me. When we were kids I... I completely fell for you, but when there was complication, you seem to always be there for me. I wanted to lean on you, but I couldn't. I wanted to show you that I could help myself, that maybe if I went and killed the man that killed my family, you would be impressed, and... It wouldn't be like this. I came back here for you. I wanted to show you I was strong. I wasn't the little boy that needed your help anymore."

I realize now that if anything I needed to be there for you, but I just wanted to let you know that I was strong, but not strong enough to resist you, except I don't know how to show ym feelings anymore, it's different than before," You stopped. Listening to his words.

It was definalty a confession. You smiled, but ten stopped. Were you still suppose to be mad at him?

"Sasuke, I want to be mad at you," You said softly. 

"And I want you to be by my side forever, not as a comrad, but as a soul mate (yn)".

You woke up after having that dream. 

"Damn, why can't I just be in that moment forever?" You turned to look out the window. You would see out of it if Sasuke hadn't put the curtains over it. 

"Morning," You turned to smile at Sasuke. 

"Morning," you smiled at your husband. 

A flashback within a dream. Not bad, not bad at all. 


Not exactly following any type of storyline from the manga/anime because i'm cool like that. 

I hope you like it enough to vote 

NOT EDITED :3 sorry. 

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