Shikamaru x Reader

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This is early because surprise! I'll have another one up for tomorrow though.

So, the main thing I want to say is that I don't need nor do I want more requests.


Because I currently have umm... like 31 parts or so in this book, and the amount of parts I have altogether is 51. So I got to do like 20 requests, and the more you add, the more anxious I get and I put it off. Well, I am trying not to do that anymore. i amt rying to write as many as I can for this thursday for you guys.

So, thanks for you reading, andrequestions and voting and commenting adn just generally reading ym one shots with all it's mistakes and errors since i never edit them.

So, yea, you guys rule.



You were walking around the Hidden Leaf Village, heading to the big entrance so you can go practice in the training grounds. You needed the practice, or so says (enter favourite trainer's name). You just never really paid much attention in class, and when you did all they ever taught was boring.

Going towards the doors wasn't easy as usual. It was packed, full of people.

Today wasn't anything special, so you were confused as to why there were so many people here. You ignored your urge to question someone and instead headed out into the woods outside the village.

Walking a little ways you turned off and was met by the fence around the training areas.

Heading inside you noticed that the trainging grounds was completely empty.

It was saturday today, so no one really bothered training, most poeple took the day off saturday, but you aren't like most people.

You went and grabbed your kunai's out of your leg pocket and started to throw them at the tree trunk. The more you threw, the harder it hit the trunk as anger took hold of you.

Your thoughts were mostly on your trainer when (he of she) told you infront of everyone that you needed more practice to be able to even compare to your friends. Why would they do that? It didn't make sense. You hated them for that very reason, they were so blunt about it too.

"Calm down there (last name),) You heard Shikamaru's voice. You looked around but saw no one. "Up here," you looked up to the nearest tree, that's when you saw him. He was perching on a branch, clearly calm and almost looked bored.

"Why are you here? I thought you'd be with all the others, eating with your group," You said as you threw another kunai, not caring that it missed the trunk this time.

"Yeah, i went there, put too many people, crowds aren't my favourite thing," he replied lazily. He sat down on the branch he was on.

You threw another kunai, and this time you were angry that it hit the base of the trunk instead of the middle where your target was.

"Try not to tense up your arm, you are releasing something, not holding back," when he said that, you tried it out. You weren't able to do it on the first try, but the second hit the out ring of your target. You instanly lit up.

After some more practice you hit the middle of the target. Normally, you would have danced around in pure happiness, but instead you smiled proudly and continaed your happiness as someone was watching.

"See? Told you it'd work," Shikamaru was still there with you.

You glanced up when you saw movement only to see Shikamaru jumping off of his tree, over the fence and in the training grounds.

"You want to work on your aim more, I know a place," He told you. You nodded hestitatly remembering when you accepted Kiba's help when training. He took you to a Ramen shop instead and then proceeded to ask you help with washing of his dog Akamaru.

You followed Shiakmaru out of the training grounds into a mess of trees.

"You see, the more dense the forest, the more you have to really concentrate on your target. Though, in this training, you won't be standing still, i'm not going to let you," you said, in his usual bored tone. You looked up at him.

"Now, go around and set up your targets, I'll stay here," he told you. You let out a sigh and nodded. You proceeded to go around and set up your targets at different trees. You made sure to put them at different angles, different heights and even put them under trees and on the ground.

"Ready?" You quickly turned when you heard the air shift a bit, a kunai coming straight at you. You doged, and headed for the trees tops.

"Try your best to hit the targets," Shikarmaur said while letting another kunai go. He didn't sound bored anymore, oh no, he sounded out right happy, like a kid on christmas.

"How am i supposed to when you are trying to kill me?" You asked, angrily.

"If you are in a real fight, your enemy won't just stand around and let you throw kunia at them," was his responce. You blew out a sigh, dodging another kunai. You ahted the fact that he was right, but it was common sense.

You tried to pick an easy target, the one positioned at the ground and you released your kunai. You let out an angry yell when Shikamaru's kunai blocked yours and pushed it off course.

"The also won't let your Kunai hit them," you jumped to the ground as a kunai was aimed to your hand. A target right ahead of you, you staired at it before Shikamaru spoke again.

"They wouldn't let you try to hide either," His voice was right behind you and you jumped to the right before a kunai, aimed straight for your head, flew past. You smiled as his kunai hit the target right in the middle.

He stayed silent, but you knew he was slightly angry about that little mess up of his.

You threw a kunai at a angle, to the target on the ground again and out right cheered when it hit the middle.

You ran somemore, as a trail of kunai's was lef tbehind you as Shikamaru aimed for you. You aimed a kunai at one target, then a few seconds later you threw another one. You flet pride when the frist one was blocked by Shikamaur but not the second one. You hit the target in the second ring.

After about an hour, and 3 training sessions of that, you finally hit all the targets, right in the middle, and were tired.

Shikamaru was helping you collect the kunais, and the target sheets. Neither of you wanted to hear Kakshi's rant about leaving targets around everywhere again, not after what Naruto did with his when he was done training.

"Good job (enter a nickname of yours), you really improved," SHikamaru's voic ewas full of pride. You laughed a bit.

"Yeah, thanks to you, the kid that wants to be a cloud," he let out a graon.

"i know that I shouldn't have told you of all people, with your big mouth," he said, a smile in his voice.

"Wanna go get ramen?" you asked him.

"Why not?" He replied.

"It's a date," you replied with out thinking.

"oh good, i've been meaning to ask you if you wanted to go out, this will work."


        NOT EDITED 

Ok, there you go, bah bye now.





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