Neji x Reader

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No matter how much you train, no matter what you do to push yourself to be a better ninja, there was always that boy who didn't think a girl like you could ever become great in the ninja world.

You gritted your teeth as you threw another kunai, turning to another tree and releasing another kunai before you even heard the crack of the tree bark from where your first kunai hit the tree.

It was late in the evening, and you were at the training grounds, practising your aim. You waited a few seconds for the second kunai to hit the tree, when you felt the presence of somebody, and transported to a higher level. The tree tops.

When the kunai finally hit the tree, you heard every sound as it dug into the tree. You grinned as you heard the light padding of someone's feet, you felt them using their chakra as they ran up the tree you were on.

Using your sense, you quickly jumped to another tree, cursing at yourself as your judgment of where the branch was, was off by about an inch. None the less, you quickly caught yourself, gathering chakra at your fingertips and making it onto the tree branch.

"Your never going to get anywhere if you keep wearing that blindfold," Neji's voice echoed through the trees. He didn't have to speak for you to know that it was him though. You already knew it was him when he used his chakra to climb the tree.

The Hyuga's chakra, like everyone else's chakra had a different and unique wave to it. However Neji's in particular you would know anywhere.

"What? Is that my fate?" You asked. You felt the change in the wind, and moved just in time to avoid a kunai smashing into your face. However, the damage was done, and the blindfold flew off your face, ripped by the kunai.

"No, it's ridiculous," he answered, his expression blank. You held a steady glare as you landed on a tree branch.

"Everyone has different strengths, I don't need to rely on my eyes. Has it ever worried you, that if you lost your eyes, you would be completely powerless?" You asked him.

That's what was different about you and Neji. Your strengths were eachother's opposites. While you had the power to feel wavelengths of any type of chakra, and to hear these wavelengths, which also gave you the ability to hear anything from a pin dropping a mile away if you focused. Neji"s power came straight from his eyes, and only his eyes.

It troubled you. You were so different from him, yet you wanted to be so close to him.

"Of course not, why worry over something that is never going to happen," Neji believed that you can't change your fate, or destiny. You took Naruto's word though. You wanted to show Neji that destiny is not followed, it's made. That it could be changed at your will.

But most of all, you wanted to show Neji that you are strong. Much more stronger than he would ever realize. And the strength you have, comes from him. For wanting to help a friend, and to show him he means a lot to you.

"I believe you," your words seem to shock him as he lowered his fighting position, and stared at you.

"You're strong, and if it's written in your fate that your eyes render you useless, I believe you won't give into the fate, and fight for what you've got to change your fate," you words seem to be crossing over to your inner thoughts as you were talking to him. Your passion for talking to him helped you continue speak what you thought.

"If your eyes ever seem to fail you, then I want you to know, I can help you. We both have different strengths within us, however our strengths are very similar. If you put our strengths together, we could pull through anything together," your words weren't reaching your ears. Instead, you were listening to Neji's increasing heartbeat as he listened to your words, and took them to his heart.

You were listening to his breaths, as they became unsteady. You could feel his chakra increase as he got motivated.

But most of all, you could see his smile, that reached his eyes.

You had your own smile on your face as you realized he shared your feelings, and shared your thoughts.

You were not so different from Neji after all. Only you were able to share this with Neji.

You felt the movement, heard the wind change, and smelled his scent. He was suddenly in front of you, wrapping you in his arms, and he was laughing. His laugh was music to your ears.

"I always wondered when you were going to come to realization, I don't think I would have been able to go much longer, I knew we shared the same feelings because I could see it in your chakra, unfortunately, you can't hear feelings in chakra... Yet," you smiled at his words, as he was always saying that from this say forward, it would involve him.

'We are changing our fate by intertwining our together,' your thoughts never left your mouth as at the moment, it seem to be occupied by a certain someone. ;)


Before you ask, I know.... I had no idea what I was going to do, but then I started typing ad then I was hungry and then I never stopped typing, and then I realized I had no idea what I was typing and then suddenly I was finished.... ^-^

NOT EDITED .. B-by the way, just in case you just so happened to be wondering...

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