Eyeless Jack x Reader (lol jk)

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Prepare yourself, winters coming. I mean, it's a short one shot. 

So hey, it's monday I have homework, I don't read creepasta, if he is out of character re-read this sentence. 


"Hey Jack," you said waltsing in the living,"

Ok who am I kidding? I don't know this character.

Kakashi Sensie it is :D


"Kakashi, I can't do it, I just, I don't bend that way," you were telling Kakashi after you fell on the grassy ground in defeat. 

Kakashi was currently doing a weird pose that involved bending like rubber. 

"Come on, give it another go," He tried to motivate you. You just shook your head and continued to lay on the ground looking up to the sky. 

"For me?"

"Not even for you."

"If you always give up, you'll go forward in your life," Kakashi said sitting down next to you. 

"What if this moment in my life is so good, I don't want to move forward?"

"Ok, now you are getting off track." Kakashi was laughing, and he continued to do so when you attempted the weird yoga type pose. 

"Here," he said before approaching you and putting his hands on your back, steadying you as you lowered yourself down to the ground. 

When his hand was suddenly gone, you fell on the ground on your back.

"Hey!" You said and he was laughing again. You glared at him but a small smile appeared on your face as you listened to his laugh. 

You couldn't help it. You slowly fell for your sensie. 

Well, that was a while ago, now you were basically in love with him.

"Can we break for supper?" You asked him, staring at his one eye. He slowly nodded.

"Fine, but afterwards we are not stopping until you can do this on your own," He told you. 

"I can't even do that with help," You aregued with him. He laughed again. 

"It's not funny."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't"

"You just don't see the humor in it."

"Because there is none."

"If you agree with me I'll buy supper."

"No, I can pay my own way besides your wrong."

"You can't pay it, and I am right."


"I'll pay you just have to agree with me."

"You're wrong."

"It'll be like a date."




My excuse for this terrible one shot is that you are wrong it's beautiful. 

I'm in university now, it's hard to find time for writing this, especially since I am working on a novel :D

So, I will be updating everything *cough cough*, hopefully today cause guess how many classes I have today? If you said none your wrong. 

I have 1. 

But then I have bible studies in the evening, but that's 5 hours away. Alright. 

Sorry for procrastinating in writing, thank you for reading :D


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