Gray x Reader

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Another fairy tale character.


"You are an idiot Gray!"

You hated the ice wizard. You absolutely hated him. You hated him because he made you love him.

He made you develop feelings for you, and he turned away from you.

He was cold.

'He's an ice wizard'.

"(Y/n), your the idiot here!" Gray shouted at you.

"I don't care, I hate you, I wish I never met you!" You felt empty as lies spilled from your mouth. You couldn't imagine life with out the ice wizard.

"Oh shut up!" Gray shouted at you. You saw him give you a cruel smile.

You glared at the boy.

You never been this confused in your life. You hated him, but you didn't. Your mad at him, angry beyond this world, yet all you want to do is have him wrap his arms around you.

"I mean it!" You shouted back. You weren't sure if you did though.

"They are at it again are they?" You heard Lucy ask Natsu and Happy. Both if them nodded.

"Stay out of this!" You and Gray shouted at the same time. You threw a glass of water at Lucy, while Gray did his ice-make magic and threw solid ice at Natsu and Happy.

They backed off, and you yet again glared at the boy.

"Put on some damn clothes!" You shouted at him as you noticed in the time you turned to Lucy, he was not in his underwear.

"Shut up!" at this point he obviously could care less if he was wearing clothes or not.

"It's your fault! If you didn't go and make it snow, there would be a flood in my house," You shouted. Yes, there was a flood in your house and Gray subconsciously made it snow, and snow and summer do not mix.

You heard Natsu laugh.

"How exactly is it my fault I was distracted!" Gray shouted back at you. You looked him dead in the eye, knowing full well why he was distracted.

"Well you an idiot, and why can't you admit it?" you asked him, your voice lowing.

"Alright I am an idiot, but only because... dsfsslu," he mumbled the last part. His voice going really quiet. You smirked.

"I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you," you told him, a smile playing on your lips.

"I said, I am an Idiot, but only... for... you," he said slowly, and quietly but not too quiet, but quiet enough for your ears to hear only.

"I know," You said simply.

"Now, are you guys done having a lover's quarrel?" You turned to Erza. Gray's eyes widened immdiantly. You rolled yours. You weren't afraid of Erza, and you never had to be. She couldn't get mad at you.

"Whatever erza," You said. She grinned at you. You too were like sisters. Besides with-out her, what else would you have on Gray?


You turned to him. He was behind you, his arms slowly wrapping around you.

Gray, the man you loved.

"Come on (y/n), let's go and dinner out," he said,, you smiled.


I lost whatever motivation I had to make this. I know it's short... crappy... and probably not adorable, but... Well not even organized for that matter.

Anyways... I have a list on who to make on reader one shot... Anyone want to add to that list? Just comment, and if I know the person, I will write a oneshot for you. :) Have a good day/night/evening/moring/afternoon.


Anime OneShots ~Your POV~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora