Ash x Reader

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Who else loves Pokemon go? Oh you are in Canada, same >~<

But I tricked my phone and boom what up lol I have it xD

And now it available in Canada but I realised if you live on a farm, you ain't gunna be a Pokemon trainer

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And now it available in Canada but I realised if you live on a farm, you ain't gunna be a Pokemon trainer.

Which was disappointing.

Anyways, I thought I should do this character because at one point it was infact requested and now it's popular again (pft as if it wasn't popular HA) and I want to make this one shot :)

But I want to do this one different so excuse me >~<

I want Ash to be in this modern world with like a pet pupper (I would say cat but puppers are just so adogable

Look at my pupper I named Apple

I love Apple and Apple loves apple~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I love Apple and Apple loves apple

"Ash, dog park is this way!" You shouted at the retreating boy while laughing.

"(Y/n), I've been to the dog park only a thousand times, I know where I am going, come on Pika," he said to his little pupper. The dog barked, or squeaked more like it, and wagged it's tail. Ready to follow Ash anywhere.

"Alright then have fun, Chica and I will head this way," you said and patted Chica on the head. The white lab wagged it's tail before tagging lead.

(Markimoo anyone?)

"(Y/n), hey wait up!" You heard Ash say before you heard him running towards you and your pet.

"I think it's this way (y/n)," he said before taking the lead.

"Oh really? I had no idea," you said with a smirk.

"Hey, (y/n)," you looked at him expecting a weird question of some sort, or to have another weird talk about a pair of siblings following him trying to take his dog.

"What up," you asked.

"One sec," he said before allowing you to catch up to his side and then he grabbed your hand.

"I think it's best this way so I don't lose you," you smirked again.

"You just wanted to hold my hand," he shuffled his feet.

"I don't want to lose you that's all."

"Alright Ash," you said and held tighter onto his hand. His reaction made you blush when you looked over and he smiled really big.

He was grinning from ear to ear (kind of like Joker, or even that one creepy pasta dude {don't know creepy pasta enough to tell you exactly, only know of it because my friend has an obsession with them})

(Not finished because I started this in July and now it's like the end of September... Woah I don't know how to handle my time very well clearly, I'll make a part two when my my isn't so writer blocky, also thanks so much for sticking with lol I'm sorry! It's past two am, I don't know what I am doing awake I have to get up early tomorrow)

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