L x reader

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"Lawliet, come on, its been days, please come see me," you stared at the phone in your hands, making a message for Lawliet, you boyfriend. 

You don't really know what he has been up to, but he usually answers your texts. Not today though, or yesterday, or 3 days ago. It's been driving you up the way. 

Your phone went off, and you glanced down at it, happyiness in your chest. It was from Lawliet. 

"Sorry, I'm at work, tonight a 7, meet me at the office, love you."

'Meet you?' you thought. He is already at the office. 

You gave out a sigh. The happyiness that followed after that sigh escalated at the thought of seeing L. You were beyond happy. 

You squealed in joy as you jumped onto the sofa. Your phone went off again. When you looked at it, and saw that I was your best friend (insert best friend's name), you placed your phone on the coffee table. 

She hated when you talked about L, seeing as she doesn't know him, yet he is your boyfriend, and we always talk about boys. Or she does, but you always talk about L.  (if your friend doesn't talk about boys {pshhht your lying}, just go with it)

So, right no would not be a good time to talk to her, seeing as all your can think of right now is L. 


You let out another sigh, wondeirng why he ever chose you to be his girlfriend. You only saw him a couple of times before you started to like him. But when he got hurt, and sent to the hospital, you paid him a visit. Nervous of course, but you still went. 

And he knew your name. You were so happy that he knew you as well. 

He was in the hospital for a month, and in that month you and him got closer. you had visited him every two days, but when there was only a week left of him beeing in the hospital, you visisted him each and every day. 

You didn't want him to disappear from you after that, and if he did, you wanted to make sure to spend time with him, loads of time, before he left. 

But on the final day, and he was let out, he asked if you wanted to be his girlfriend, it was really awkward for him, and you were able to tell. Of course, you thought his awkwardness was abslutely adorable. 

And that's how it all went down. 

That was over a year ago. 

And yet every time you hang out with him, your feelings are just as strong as his. 

And now, you are going to go see him tonight, and persuade him that a movie and dinner is perfectly fine. 

Have fun kids ;)

(I call everyone kids.... my teacher said kids could be goats, so for all you know, I could be calling you goats... and if that's wrong, obviously I don't remember what the teacher said enough for it to stick in my brain xD)


NOT EDITED...EDEDEDEDEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, he was requested, it's been awhile since I did this, but my b-day is on next monday, I'll be turning 17 :D

And so... I decided to write this, on a Tuesday Morning, before school. 

Tennant Tuesday... if you know what that is, you aweeeeesome.

Ok, thanks for reading, vote, comment, follow, eat lucky charms, go to Paris, (f your in paris, go to Canada), or Greece, Greece is cool. 

*okay now leave the scene*

Ok, bai.

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