Levi x Reader

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You never knew Levi as 'Corporal' or anything related with Military stuff. He only told you about bad days, what happened to different walls, but he tried his best to keep you happy so he didn't bring work news to you.

"You are so sweet," you barely whispered to Levi. He turned to you with the smile that you fell in love with. You knew he never smiled much, but when he was around you he always seem to have a reason to smile: you.

"That's almost funny," he said as he wrapped his arms gently around you. You rolled your eyes. You glanced around the room, making sure it was extra messy. You did 'little' things to try to get him mad. Little things as in things that will piss him off.

He never got mad at you though, he never focuses on the extra mess you made in your house when you knew he was going to come over for a short visit.

He is Levi, he is your boyfriend.

"But you are, you just turn into a grumpy old man when I am not around, that's all," when you said this he let out a low chuckle, his arms still embracing you.

"A minor thing, my personality," he commented. You laughed, shaking your head.

"You knew what I meant," you said and went to get out of his arms. Before you could even try, as if he knew Levi wrapped his arms around you tighter. He held you in place, as if he was afraid to let you go.

You returned to embrace knowing the feeling.

"Ok, stay for dinner?" I asked him tentatively, he always needs to leave to go train the new recruits.

"Today, I think I will," he told you, you heard the smile in his voice. You felt a blush come to the cheeks as you remembered how your relationship all started.

"Captain Levi, umm- well if you want to, my friend Susy wants to know if you would have lunch with her," You said glancing at him. You were the best recruit, good at balancing, good in a fight. You were the top of the class.

"I don't think I will," he looked at you with disgust. You paused. You knew he was always rude and treating people like shit, but you had enough.

"Fine, but I am sick of your attitude, if you don't have lunch with at least me, then I won't hesitate but to seriously hurt you, she has been asking you for days, I get that you don't like her, but today I asks you, will you at least have lunch with me?" You had repeated your question out of anger Embarrassment filled your gut. You don't know what made you say anything like that, you were just caught in the moment, you didn't even think that half of it made sense.

"Today, I think I will," you quickly glanced up, completely shocked.

"What?" You asked dumbfounded.

"So, what are we having for lunch?" He asked you expectingly. The two of you were still standing in the middle of the training camp, your friend Suzy was waiting for you in the cafeteria place.

"I don't know, I didn't think I would make it this far," you told him honestly, your eyes still wide.

That's when it happened. When you first saw it. His smile, Levi's smile. Followed by a laugh that you never heard before.

He laughed.

Turns out, his smile and laugh was infectious, because you started to laugh as well. You didn't know why, but you began to have feelings towards him.

Before it was hate and annoyance, but now... Now it was annoyance and admiration and love.

And Levi felt the same.

Levi will always be there. His love will always be strong for you, he will always try to protect you.

You may just 'keep' care of the house, but you knew you were probably stronger than Levi, but you knew you don't have the experience, his pain will always darken his heart.

But you will always be the one that will light his heart, will brighten it, and will make him smile and laugh.

You are (y/n), Levi Ackerman's girlfriend.


Ok, I upped the cheese. I did indeed.


Because I got finals all week, so the next time I upload will probably be Friday.

I LOVE YOU ALL WHO READ THIS, PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT, I read every single comment, I may not reply, but oh dear baby jesus do I read them.



Because I have a long master list of characters that were requested to animes that I either a) haven't watched in a long time and need to rewatch it or b) never watched the show

So I just picked these animes.


Do you like Supernatural?

Because I have a Supernatural one shot book and I seem to have run out of requests ;)


Anime OneShots ~Your POV~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora