Naruto x Reader

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Though Naruto was the big shot that everyone admired in some weird little way, you were often forgotten.

You did go on missions, but they usually were by yourself. You see, when on a mission, you don't work well with others, in fact it was a pet peeve.

They always want to take the longer route. To stick to the well walked path instead of going through the much shorter, much easier way of going through the trees.

They disagree with your ideas.

You have well thought out plans but they are want to take the risk free way if they can, to keep it safe as possible.

So, Tsundae accepted your request to go on missions alone. Accepted the fact that some people work better alone than with others.

Every mission she has given you, you passed with S ranks.

It became very easy, the missions became harder but that didn't wind you. It was just something you got accustomed to.

However, when you got a mission that was to protect Naruto uzimaki on his latest mission, you protested.

"You know that I can do this mission by myself with no problem, why do you let another ninja go that needs protection?"

"Because (y/n), I need you to know that sometimes we need people around us, we need the extra help."

"Me being the extra help? Who is this lesson for again?"

"I don't need to explain myself, I have given you a mission and I expect you to obey my command, no questions asked!"

"Critical thinking is hard to just turn off, I ask questions because I need to, now why must I go on this mission? I am sure Sai can handle it on his own as well!"

"(Y/n)! You will obey me no questions asked."

You crossed your arms across you chest and with one last glare at the blonde lady in front of you, you left her office. Right outside you saw Naruto, Sakura and Sai listening.

"What's so bad about this arrangement?" Sakura was quick to ask.

"I don't have to answer you," was all you said before trying to leave.

"(Y/n), these are your teammates, be polite," her voice was loud and over bearing.

"A team usually consists of 3, I am the odd one out, I shall take me leave," you said and bowed even, then glanced over at Tsundae with a smile. Look at your politeness.

"I think the 4 of you should go out and have supper together," you shook your head at just the thought.

"I will!" Of course Naruto would, free food.

I mean it was tempting to you even.

"I have plans tonight," was all you said.


"One time offer."

"I think I can arrange it to be different."

"Couldn't sleep last night, want to go to be earl-"

"Stop making excuses."

"Fine, I'll go," free food.

"No you, wait what?"

"She said she'll go," Sai recapped.

"Thanks for listening Sai," he glanced at you and nodded quick.

"Hey, there is this ramen place I feel we should go to, Ramen Ichiraku is what it's called I believe," you said trying to remember the name.

"Yeah! I love ramen!" Naruto agreed and you smiled a bit. One thing in common with him already, both love free food, and ramen.

Through the course of supper at the ramen place, you and Naruto become friends, you had questionable relationships with the other two but you knew that Naruto was growing on you.

"And then I poured my milk into a glass, took a big swing of it and that's when I realized that the milk was sour," you can guess who was talking, I don't think the other two would let their milk go bad.

"Eww, would you be able to smell it before that happened?" You asked him completely shocked.

"Probably, but I was just so thirsty," you shook your head and crinkled you nose in disgust.

"That must have been disgusting," Naruto nodded with a small smile.

"So, I am going to head home now," Sakura said. Naruto nodded a bit before turning back to his noodles. Sakura glanced a bit at him but then left. Wait, wasn't he like super obsessed with her?

"I'm am going to go train, you two have a good night," with that Sai left as well.

"So I guess it's us then," You said and dug into another bowl of ramen. Naruto nodded a bit.

"Why were you so against helping us?"

You glanced at Naruto who was avoiding looking at you and instead focused on his ramen.

You let out a sigh and shrugged your shoulders.

"Then last time I tried to help people it didn't end up so well, and I blamed myself so I refuse to have teammates because I fear of letting them down," you don't know exactly why you were being so honest around Naruto, but he was listening and that made you happy.

He wasn't judging you.

"I used to be alone, but I hated it, then Iruka sensei risked his life for me, and to be honest (y/n), I know I don't really know you, but I would risk my life for you," you glanced at Naruto in shock.

You expected him to be looking at his ramen, but instead his blue eyes were looking straight at you.

"I think I would do the same for you, you are a good guy Naruto," you told him. His smiled made his eyes light right up.

"Thank you!" You let out a laugh at how happy he sounded.

"And also, I think I might... You know.. Uh, like you," at his words his hand went behind his head and he made a scratching motion. He was nervous.

"Well I'll have to admit Naruto, you grew on me and I share those feelings for you." His eyes were the brightest blue you have ever seen.

"One last thing, (y/n)?"


"Will you go out with me?"



It's been a while since I wrote a one shot that was over 1k words without the writer's note.

Feels amazing.

Anyways, here is a Naruto shot from your truly :)

The next oneshot was requested quite a long time ago: Eyeless Jack.

Don't follow creepy pasta but my friend does so I'll ask her about him this week.


See ya


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