Near x reader

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His hair was what intrigued you. His hair, white as the clouds. Was it natural? Or did he dye it? And if so how often exactly did he dye it to achieve that white? Not silver, white!

You wanted to run your hands through his white hair. You wanted to see if it was as soft as it looked. It look as soft as silk, even velvety. You wanted to know.

Why did he wear all white clothes? Everything about him was intriguing. You wanted to know everything about him.

His hair though, was it natural? His finger was always twirling a strand of his curly hair. Ok but seriously, was it natural? You stared at the boy in front of you, your eyes on his hair.

"Your staring, what question do you have this time (y/n)?" Your face scrunched into a scowl as he threw you a smirk. He always knows. And he seems to always have an answer when it came you. I mean there are times when you think he doesn't, but somehow, he comes through.

"Nate, is white your natu-."

"We've gone over this (y/n)," Nate replied. You have gone over this. He never answered you though, he never gave you a real answer, and it bugged you. What possibly reason could he have to deny you what his natural hair colour was?

Nate. His name was always going through your thoughts. Nate. You couldn't help it, you have known him for a long time.

Nate. A smile crept onto your face as you thought of his name. To you, he was Nate, to the rest of the world, he was N, or Near.

You smiled because he trusted you enough to let you know his name, and this made you happy.

You turned your attention back to the computer screens. It was playing cameras footage from around a building. Nate was looking for evidence.

He already cracked the case after all, and has a fair amount of evidence. Though we both know that if we have a lot of evidence, we can prove people wrong, and they have to take our story at the truth, because evidence is the crucial factor.

Everyone has a story, but if they don't have evidence, what good is a story?

You let your eyes wonder around the room, it was compact, and had many wires traveling across the floor, on the shelves that took up the walls.

It was a room where Nate and you would go over important footage. Though Nate usually stayed on task, you found this part of the investigation the most annoying.

You turned your attention back to the multiple screens I front of you. The good part of this was that you were with Nate.

For a few minutes, you let your eyes close, and you thought of the cafe that was near Nate's 'headquarters' as you liked to call it.

"Got it," you eyes snapped opened, and you leaned a little bit further to look at the screens and search. When you found the right screen, you watch as a man emerged from the front doors of a 'suspected building', and then Nate paused it as he looked towards the hidden camera.

It was obvious he did not see the camera, but instead was looking at something beyond the camera. This hidden camera had to be placed in a tree across the building.

Nate zoomed in on the man, and then enhanced the picture. There it was, the most important piece of evidence in every case as such of his. The man's face, the man's identity. The man that have been selling teens drugs, and would follow this teen and wait for them to be intoxicated. He would then kidnap these teenagers, and before killing them, he would rape them.

Teen boy, or girl, it didn't seem to matter to him.

"Disgusting old man," You heard Nate say when he looked at the screen. He turned to you, a disgusted expression on his face, one that disappeared as a grin came to his face.

Your grin mirrored his as realization came, the case was closed.

You leaned back so that you weren't hugging your left knee anymore, and your right one you stretched so that it hung off of the rolling chair.

You watched as Nate stayed in his 'weird' position that was kind of like your own. Only thing is, is that he looked more natural in it. Like he was born into the world in that position. Plus, you copied him, you always seem to want to know things about him, so you decided to sit like him, you were a child when that happened. You don't know why exactly, but once you started, you didn't plan to stop, so you never did.

"I've always liked the feeling that comes when I finish off a case," Nate stated as his smiled. His hand reached up to his hair and he began twirling it once more.

'Soft as velvet?" Your thought went back to his hair. Before you could stop yourself, you reached over and took a lock of Nate's hair into your hand. You didn't look at Nate's expression, so you didn't see his eyes widen, and his mouth open in a 'o' expression. You didn't see his shocked and confused expression.

You smiled as you confirmed your thoughts. His hair was as soft as silk and velvet. You looked at Nate's expression to see his eyes closed. You retracted your hand, and sat back down in your chair.

"Why did you do that?" He asked you. This was your first time seeing him in question, your first time hearing him asking you for an answer.

You smiled as you answered.

"I wanted to see if your hair was as soft as it looked," your voice came out clam and held admiration, "it was," you finished. You watch as Nate's cheeks reddened ever so slightly, and a smile reached his eyes a millisecond before it reached his face.

With-out warning, he reached over and took a hold of one of your chair's armrests, and pulled you closer to him.

"Definitely not as soft as yours," he said before running his hand through your (hair length{h/l}), he left his hand resting on your shoulder. "As always, I am correct," you felt your cheeks warm as he drew circles on the base of your name.

"Your (hair colour {h/c}) is beautiful (y/n)," your face heated up more when he said this.

"I have an assumption on how you will react," you heard him say. Before you could question his statement, you felt his lips on yours. You leaned forward, deepening the kiss. You felt his hand continue drawing circles on you neck, and his other hand was running through you hair.

You reached your hand up, running it through his soft like silk hair, and you felt him smile at your reaction to him.

The kiss ended, but your never detached your hands. He leaned his forehead against your own.

"You know (y/n), I don't ever really know what your next move is, or what is going through your mind, but I hope my assumption is correct on this one. (Y/n), will you go out with me?".


*not edited.


Sadly I don't own Nate xD

Hoped you enjoyed reading ^-^

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