Near x Reader

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Hello again. so here I am trying to keep this updated each and every week.

I miss the Flash last night, completely flew my mind. Didn't even think about it.

Though tonight, there is a new episode of Supernatural on. I will watch it.

i may not update everything I have said before because of this and if I do, it will be updated on friday as i will be writing it ALL on thursday night.

You know what?

i'll update what I can.

Ok, so I realize i have done this character before, but so many characters will be repeated that you will just have to deal with it.

now onto the story.

Near x reader.



When you met Near, it was summer. That was a year ago though. Since that summer you gotten very close with Near. he trusted you very much, ore than anybody.

You never called him Near though, he never allowed it. He always told you to just call him by his actual name, Nate.

It took some time before you actually called him Nate. He was your superior as you were a new worker for the police station. You were assigned to work with him on the second day.

You were fresh out of college so you jumped at the chance. It wasn't easy at first, the hours that you worked, sometimes you worked all night with Near trying to solve a crime.

Nate wasn't the type of person to rest while he was a on case. He wouldn't rest until he finished.

You blamed L a lot for this. You never met anybody else besides these two that could go with-out sleep for days on end yet still function properly.

Nate never really ate a lot of sweets, L told you he used to play with cards, dominos, or even action figures before. He grew out of it though, he was young when he first started this.

Very young.

As you learned about him, you began to pity him, but that pity soon turned to admiration.

Not only did his father and mother died, he didn't have many friends, he didn't trust people easily, and because of his job, many people tend to get freaked out and ignore him.

He was a person that people only know as Near. No one besides L and I actaully know his name. Well, the orphange and Watari know his name as well.

But to society, the only thing they know about him for years is that his name is Near, and he solves crimes.

You knew when you met him a year ago that he was good, clever and an over-acheiver, but what you didn't know is that you would develop feelings for him.

You didn't plan on it.

"(y/n), I think we almost got him," Nate was getting exciting, eager to finish off another case, eager to start another case.

"I know," you said just as eager. After a year working with him, you got use to always working, always on a case and teh late hours.

You began to accept the sweets the L always offered as well. The sugar in it helped you stay awake.

"We have the murderer," Nate's voice was full of excitement as he began to run out of the office and towards a phone to call the police station.

You let out a sigh and waited for him to return, getting ready to write down a new case's information thgat you will need.

Nate walked back to the office much slower than usual. There must not be a case.

"They didn't have any more cases, I guess we are done for the day until something happens," Nate told you. You nodded, thankful.

"The crime rate seems to be going down at a quick pace," you told him.

"it's boring," was his reply, you rolled your eyes.

"No, it's safe," you countered.

"Yeah, but safe was never exciting."

"I'm going to get a coffee, want to come?" you asked him. He nodded and started to follow you out the door.

Walking out of the building was refreshing. The office was always cold due to L.

So the heat from the sun was nice for once. The goosebumps on your arms started to go away.

You walked to the little cafe on the corner of the street, Near quickly following behind.

Once you got your coffees, you sat down at the bench outside of the shop.

"This is so much nicer than the office, it's freezing in there," you commented, he nodded laughing.

"You know, when it rains, L will go to the roof of teh building and just stand in the rain. He got hyperthermia once," Near told me.

"Watari must have not been amused by that," He nodded at this.

"It took a while for him to heal because he really never allowed himself to. Stayed up working, always eating sweets," Near said while shaking his head.

"i like the rain, but not that much," you replied.

"I like the sun," was Near's reply.

"We should go for a picnic one of these days," the idea was on your mind for a while, but you never actaully said it before.

You didn't look at Near, but rather the hot cup opf coffee in your hands.

"We should, just us though," when you heard Near's reply you smiled.

"I was hoping you'd say that, I'd hate to hear L's complains about the nice weather," Near nodded while laughing.

"It's a date then."


I realize I basically ended it the same as last time but anyways thanks for reading


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