Chapter 18

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A/n note: I've been grinding The Division 2 the last few days to get up to date with the latest Manhunt. And safe to say, I'm happy that the Prime Target is dead, she was a major bitch.

As we pick up from where we last left off, we see the Division Agent walking behind the other 7 operators and thinking to himself. As the 8 operators reach the armory, each one heads off to their respective gun locker with (Y/n) heading to grab his things. He goes over his choice of weapons and decided on his AKM along with his SOCOM M1A . For his skills, he picked out the turret, shield, pulse, shock traps, sticky bomb launcher, and the decoy. For his Specialization, he decided on taking the Demolitionist load-out which had a special variant of turret, the artillery turret, instead of his normal assault variant. He tuned up the M32A1, spun the drum, and had started to load it one grenade at a time when Kali and Nøkk came over to speak to him. (Y/n) looked up from loading his grenade launcher and saw them approach him.

(Y/n): What's up? You two seem nervous about something.

Nøkk: It's nothing. Just checking up on you before we head out.

Kali: We just wanted to see how you're holding up before your first mission.

(Y/n): Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I promise. You guys should probably continue getting your gear in check.

The two nodded to him and walked away. The Division Agent continued from where he left off with loading his grenade launcher and finished up. He proceeded to pack a few some extra 40mm grenades for the launcher in his Go-Bag before slinging his Bag over his shoulder. He situated his M1A on the side of the bag along with the M32A1 and his skills and headed out of the armory to the hanger bay with the AKM in hand. Once he arrived at the hanger, he saw everyone else was there and waiting for him so he got on the Black Hawk without much hassle and sat down near Doc and Aruni. It then started up and the team was off. (Y/n) was in thought about how bad the situation they're headed into is when Doc got up and sat down next to him.

Gustave (Doc): Bonjour, mon amie. I don't believe we've formally got acquainted before I had to preform that surgery on you. I'm Gusatve, but on the field, I'm Doc.

(Y/n): Nice to meet ya, Doc. As you already know, I'm (Y/n). While on missions, it's "Ghost" as my Codename. -(Y/n) offers Doc a handshake and he returns it- I did want to thank you for patching me up.

Doc: No problem. It's my job to save my teammates' lives, but I wasn't the only one who helped put you back together. Finka, one of our CBRN specialists, was the other doctor that helped so I wanted to make sure you get around to thanking her.

(Y/n): Well, thanks for the heads up. I'll thank her when we get back.

Doc: You got it. I'll leave ya be.

Doc proceeded to get up and sit back down where he originally was and Aruni got up and sat next him.

Aruni: How's the new arm holding up, Ghost?

(Y/n): It's holding up just fine, and please, just call me (Y/n). Ghost is only when we are mission which we aren't yet.

Aruni: Alright, is there anything feeling funny about it?

(Y/n): Now that you do mention it, it does have a tingly sensation every now and then from having to get used to it. Other than that, it's totally fine.

Aruni: That's good to hear. Anyway, I'll leave you be.

Aruni got up and went back to her original seat. She looked around the heli and saw Nøkk and Kali looking at her. She nodded to them and they nodded back.

-Timeskip brought to you by the video down below-

The Black Hawk arrived at the temporary FOB the local SCPD (Seacrest County Police Department) had setup. 7 of the 8 operators leave the chopper with Jäger staying back so he can work on the Black Hawk. (Y/n) is following behind Doc and Ace with the others behind him. When they arrived at the makeshift war room, they see a guy in full body armor observing the footage from surveillance drones on the area before turning to them.

 When they arrived at the makeshift war room, they see a guy in full body armor observing the footage from surveillance drones on the area before turning to them

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Unknown: Ah, Team Rainbow, I've been expecting for you.

Kali: Captain Winters, I presume?

Winters: Yup. Glad to see that you guys are well prepped for the mission.

Doc: Alright, so do you have the mission details for us?

Winters: Yeah, the details are on the mission board over there. -he points to a board that has a multitude of information on it-

The operators head over to it and look it over. On the board says that there is around 40-50 hostiles inside of the clubhouse where the White Masks have set up their hideout and there are 2 bombs that will have to be disarmed that are speculated to have been modified with a new type of nerve gas called "Amber Ruin" so CBRN gear is required when going in. The operators look at each other and decide its time to make their plan.

To be continued...-

A/n note: I've been sick the last two weeks so I apologize for the short chapter. I've had a bit of a hard time trying to write those chapter due to my illness, but at least I've gotten this out. So I'm happy about that. Next chapter will be out within the next 2-2.5 weeks. See you next time. -Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now