Chapter 3

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Location: Kelso Family Home, Miami, FL; Time: 09:30

(Y/N) is seen exiting the family home with his gear on, his AK-M in hand with the M60 on his back along with the Minigun, and M1911 in the holster. He puts his bag and weapons in the bed of his truck and hops into his truck.

(This is his truck)

He starts up the engine at heads to Miami International Airport

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He starts up the engine at heads to Miami International Airport.

Location: Hereford Base, UK; Time: 14:30

Harry is seen waiting outside the Chinook for Blackbeard and Valkyrie to arrive. As the camera pans to the hallways, the two operators can be seen walking to the hanger.

Craig: So Meghan, how do you think this is going to play out considering that our friend is an Agent for the Division and that he's alive?

Meghan: I don't know if I'm going to be completely honest with you, Craig. It could play out with a few outcomes; A: He agrees and comes back here to Hereford with us. B: He declines. And C: He decides to wait and think it out. I think he'll join considering that we're both his friends and we're here. Not only that, there is also the fact that he always wants to help those in need.

Craig: Well Meg, I hope you're right.

And with that they reach the hanger.

-With Harry and Jäger-

Marius (Jäger): Sir, would you mind telling me what it is that you're having me fly to Miami International Airport with you, Blackbeard, and Valk?

Harry: Well Marius, there is a man that will be meeting us there and I'm hoping to be able to recruit him into Rainbow.

Marius: Ah, I see. Who is the lucky individual and what's the CTU he's from?

Harry: Well, his name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he's an Agent for the SHD or The Strategic Homeland Division. You'll find out more if he joins.

Marius: Well, I'm assuming it's some sort of American secret organization that is not very known to many?

Harry: Yeah, that's the gist of it. Anyway, here's Blackbeard and Valkyrie.

As he says this, Blackbeard and Valk are seen boarding the Chinook and say hello to Jäger. And they set a course to Miami.

Location: Miami International Airport, Florida; Time: 13:30 (1:30 PM)

(Y/N) was seen sleeping in the back passenger seats of his truck when he felt his watch starts vibrating, alerting him that the people he's meeting are here. He gets up and out of his truck, grabbing his gear in the process, and makes his way into the airport. He sees that there are guards approaching him with their guns drawn. He shows them his watch proving that he's authorized to carry the weapons and gear he has on.

Once the guards saw his watch, they told him to follow them. They lead (Y/N) to a elevator and told him to enter it with them. He did and they were soon heading underground, they then arrived at the underground facility and led (Y/N) to a meeting room that is soundproof to the outside. (Y/N) entered the room and was greeted with his old friends.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now