Chapter 15

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Location: Cafeteria/Canteen

Sorry for not updating this in almost a month, I've been distracted by school as I've had back-to-back tests each week. Luckily, shit has finally calmed down.

(Y/n): T-Taina?

As the Agent is standing up from the table, we can see confused looks on the Americans' faces.

Warden: Well, this should be interesting...

Next thing we know, the Division Agent is seen being tackled to the ground by a certain spoopy individual, who currently is seen with tears running down her cheeks while hugging the living daylights out of (Y/n) as if he's gonna disappear if she lets go.

Taina: What happened to you!? I lose you for 3 years and I find you like this! Not only that, I was an asshole to you when you came back into my life.

(Y/n): Taina, please calm do-

Caveira then kissed him.

It was at that moment that Valkyrie, Ash, and Frost had walked in the door.

-with the three girls-

Eliza: Well, let's get going to the canteen.

Meghan: Okay, let's grab some food. I'm hungry as hell.

-5 minutes later-

Meghan turns her head to see Taina kissing her man. To say she's angry is an understatement. She sees red and heads for the two. (Y/n) sees this and freezes, Caveira looked up and was smirking. Cav got off of him and was told by Meghan to come with her to the hallway meanwhile (Y/n) had gotten a phone call from Harry.

-with Taina and Meghan-

Meghan: Taina, what the fuck was that!??

Taina: I was kissing the lost flame I had lost years ago.

Meghan: Say what?

Taina: I met him back in Brazil almost 3 years ago. He was on vacation with all of his sisters for his birthday. I had walked into a restaurant during that summer evening and had saw him in one of the booths saying goodbye to his sisters as they were leaving and he went to the bar. I think about 15 minutes later, 3 drunk douchebags approached him and I'm not sure why, but they started harassing him to give them the numbers of his "girlfriends". My guess is that they were so drunk, they can't tell the difference between girlfriend and sister.

Meghan: Man, what the hell?

Taina: Don't even get me started on that shit. Anyways, I saw him start to get pushed around by the three so I went over, pretended to be his girlfriend, and kissed him in front of the three. I told the guys to fuck off and leave my boyfriend along or shit's gonna get ugly. They don't and start hitting on me, meanwhile (Y/n) is confused and I tell him to just go along with it. He nods and keeps quiet while I then head over to the assheads and kicks the oldest one in the nuts, hearing a pop and crunch in the process. The other two got the idea and left, as for the one I kicked, he went into the bathroom and never came out. I got up and exited the restaurant, (Y/n) followed in tow and thanked me for the help. I told him it wasn't a problem and asked if he wanted to go out on a date. He agreed to it and thanked me one last time before giving me his number. Skip ahead a few days and we had our date. He enjoyed it and told me so, I told him the same thing. One thing led to another and I gave him a kiss. After that he told me he had to go back to the states. I told him to keep in touch with me and we would text everyday. Though, I didn't manage to see him within those 3 years so I had assumed he moved on.

Meghan: Oh, that's what you mean by old flame.

Taina: Yeah, I've had feelings for him ever since then and never got a chance to tell him,

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now