Chapter 19

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The operators look at each other and decide to come up with a plan. The plan that they come up with is Nøkk, Ghost, Aruni, Wamai, and Ace will infiltrate the building from the 3rd floor ceiling while Kali will provide sniper support from a sniper prep further out in the area and sweep floor to floor until all hostages are free, all enemies are killed, and both bombs are defused. Doc will be on stand by stand by to provide treatment to any injured. The operators agreed on the plan and everyone got ready. Kali went off to the sniper perch she had decided on where she can see through the massive glass wall on the West side of the building while the other five got into position at the bottom of the building. (Y/n) lined up the grappling hook implemented on his prosthetic arm while everyone else threw up their grapple lines. He shot and fired the line out with a confirmed hit. His arm pulled him up, but as he ascended, an enemy on the roof heard his grapple dig into the wall and went to investigate. As he reached the top, he saw the enemy point his L85A1 at him over the side, but (Y/n) grabbed the grip of the gun before the Mask got a chance to shoot and pulled him and his gun over the side. The Mask fell down two stories before falling directly on a bench below with a audible SNAP being heard from the mask's spine snapping. Ace looked at Ghost with a look that essentially said "dude, nice." Ghost looked back at him.

Ghost: Eh, fucker had it coming one way or another.

Everyone was on the roof with two breach charges ready and waiting for the go-ahead from Harry.

Harry: Alright, Rainbow, you're cleared for weapons free.

The breach charges were shortly detonated after the order and the operators entered the building and saw that they were in a room that had 2 bombers at one end.


Ghost deployed his Bulwark shield as everyone got out of the room and he started to load the two bombers full of lead with his 1911 as they started to run at him. He put down both bombers, but as one of them fell to the ground, he fell on the detonator and blow up the C4 he was strapped with. The shield absorbed most of the explosion, but the shockwave knocked Ghost to the floor. Nøkk came in to check what happened and saw the mess. She ran over to the winded Division Agent and helped him up.

Ghost: Thanks.

Nøkk: No problem. You alright?

Ghost; Other than having the wind knocked out of me, I'm fine.

Kali started to speak over comms.

Kali: What the hell was that explosion?

Ghost: Suicide Bombers. I fuckin' hate em. Kali, how's the building looking from your side?

Kali: I've already eliminated two hostiles guarding one of the senators and Ace is securing him now. One of the bombs in the room down the hall from you guys, but there's five Masks in the room with it. Aruni is waiting for you outside the room. Be aware that from the explosion, the Masks know something is wrong and will not hesitate to execute the other 4 senators or detonate the chemical bombs if given the chance.

Nøkk: What even is Amber Ruin to begin with?

Ghost: I think I know. It's a nerve agent that was originally a chemical weapon stolen from the Russians by Bodark, given to the Sentinel PMC by them, and was then reverse engineered into the deadly nerve agent it's known as today. I thought the Ghosts had destroyed all known stockpiles of this shit, but I guess the White Masks got their hands on some of this.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now