Chapter 28

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow...

Mask: Alright, a-a-alright. I'll t-tell you whatever y-you want to k-know.

(Y/n): There. Was that all too difficult? Now, tell me about any vulnerabilities in the defenses of the abandoned oil tanker.

Mask: Every 3 days, t-t-the guards get c-c-changed and new guards come on a boat f-f-from this l-l-location. It's over t-t-there my bag over there.

The mask then gestures to his bag with his weapons that the Division Agent had left in a pile on the floor. (Y/n) went over and pulled out a map with a black X marked on it from said bag.

(Y/n): Good.

(Y/n) then pulled out his 1911 and blew the Mask's brains out.


Maverick: Jesus, dude. Why the fuck did you kill him instead of just knocking him out and dumping him off somewhere.

(Y/n): We didn't need him anymore. Better to be safe than sorry with that guy going back to his bosses and reporting what we now know.

Caveira: Well, fair enough I guess?

(Y/n): Yeah, anyways. you two go ahead and return to the hotel so none of our teammates get suspicious about what just happened here. I'll clean up and dispose of these tools along with the body. And one other thing, not one word of this to anybody at all. I don't want anybody thinking that I'm cracking under the pressure when I just want to find my sisters no matter the cost and ensure I get them home safe. It's my duty as a Division Agent to protect the innocent from all harm no matter the cost.

Cav/Maverick: Alright then.../Okay then...

- 1 hour later-

(Y/n) is seen leaving the site of a burning car in a ditch after placing the torture tools and body into the van he had took from the White Masks and setting it ablaze...

(Y/n) muttering to himself: Fuckin' prick.

- 7 hours later -

We now see the Division Agent groggily being woken up by his watch alarm vibrating against his wrist, signaling him that it was currently 9 in the morning. He got up off the couch before looking to his left where he saw that Ash and Thunderbird were already dressed and eating breakfast they ordered from room service.

(Y/n) again to himself: Man, not the best sleep I've gotten. That couch is stiff as hell.

Thunderbird looked over at the Agent noticing that he was awake, that was however after the fact she saw the blood on the Agent's shirt from last night's interrogation and the tense look he had when she saw him sleeping on the couch last night after getting out of bed to get herself a glass of water. She was suspicious of something, but she just wasn't sure of what just yet. Ash too had noticed the Agent was up and she too saw the blood on his shirt as he turned to face them.

Ash: Morning, (Y/n). You okay?

(Y/n): Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about something.

Thunderbird: May I ask what that is that you're thinking about?

(Y/n): It's nothing, just something stupid. I'll leave it at that. I'm going to go shower if you two need me.

(Y/n) then walked into the bathroom to do his business and to freshen up.

Ash: Mina, did you notice the blood on the right side of (Y/n)'s shirt?

Thunderbird: I did, Eliza, I did. I saw it was there earlier last night around 4 in the morning. I'm worried that there was something that he did last night he might get into deep shit for. But I don't want to pressure him or make him feel bad about anything all things considered with what he's going through right now.

Ash: You're not the only one. Anyways, we should probably start making our way out of here and get back to NCIS HQ.

Thunderbird: You go on ahead, I'm going to wait for our boyfriend.

Ash: If that's what you want, I'll see you down there. Later.

Ash then got up and left the hotel room.

- 5 minutes later -

(Y/n) is done showering and got dressed in his combat uniform that is now cleaned of blood.

He leaves the bathroom to see Thunderbird watching tv while waiting for him.

(Y/n): Hey Mina, I'm dive and ready to head to the briefing. I'll probably grab food for myself on my way there.

Thunderbird: Alright then, love. Let's head on back to NCIS HQ to see what the final plan is.

(Y/n): Works for me. I did a bit of snooping around the area of the tanker location using my Tactician drone and found out that there is a weak spot in their defenses involving guards shifting every few days with new boats of guards that head to the tanker. Last night I observed a boat leave the tanker and head to a warehouse on the docks using the drone.

Thunderbird: Really? Alright, let's make sure to mention it to Gibbs when we get to the briefing for today's search and rescue missions

- 2 hours later -

Gibbs: Alright, what do you think we should go with for our infiltration tactic?

(Y/n) raised his hand.

Gibbs: Yes?

(Y/n): I found a vulnerability in the defense using my drone last night with a boat leaving the tanker with old guards to a warehouse at this location to swap out old guards for new ones. -(Y/n) then synced his watch to the overhead of the oil tanker showing where the boat launched from- As you see, the boat left the tanker and landed at this abandoned warehouse. -he then proceeded to show them the location of said warehouse he supposedly "watched the boat go to"- If we strike now, we might be able to get to the tanker under the radar and surprise the bastards with their pants down.

Clash: You got skills, bruv.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Gibbs: Seems like as good a plan as any. Alright, it's settled. We strike at the warehouse to get access to the boats they have there, we use the boats to get to the tanker undetected, and we start our sweep from there. Everyone, get your gear in order, we leave in 20.

And with that, everyone left the briefing room to stick up and get their gear in order. Kali started talking with the Agent as the operators of Team Rainbow walked to the armory where their weapons are being stored at.

Kali: You know, love, if you weren't recruited into Rainbow from the Division, I would've headhunted for you to offer you a position in NIGHTHAVEN without a second thought.

(Y/n): Thanks for the offer, Jai.

- 15 minutes later -

We see all the operators from Team Rainbow in blacked out SVUs along with Gibbs and the other agents from the NCIS. We see the Division Agent in the last SUV sitting next to Finka in the back seat with Zero driving and Kali riding shotgun. (Y/n) is currently the final touches to loading up his K8-JetStream flamethrower by loading the high octane gasoline mixture canister into the JetStream. The SUVs proceed to drive to their destination.

To be continued....

A/n note: That's Chapter 28 done. I'll see you in Chapter 29. -Z.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now