Chapter 7

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Location: Hereford Base, England; Time: 0845

-In the female dorms-

It is morning time for those in England. This included our favorite Team Rainbow. As we look into the female dorms, we can see a few of the operators waking up. One of these operators was Valkyrie.

Meghan yawned as she got up from bed. She looked around in hopes that last night was a dream and that (Y/n) had actually slept in the dorms, but to no avail that what happened did happen. She is still upset about what transpired last night. She looked at her friends and decided to go find our main character to show him around the base. She thought she heard some noise coming from the roof so she headed up there. Little did Meghan know, she was in for a ride.

-with (Y/n)-

Going up to the roof of Hereford Base, we see our favorite Division Agent sitting in the edge of the roof looking out onto the early skyline of London while thinking about events that has happened in the past. He pulled out his Hunter Ax and looks over it. Engraved on it is the following: Yuri, bad at the start but got it right in the end; Simon Riley, gone too soon; John Price, may your fighting days be always bountiful; John "Soap" MacTavish, Gone, but not forgotten; and Gary Sanderson, man of few words but always did what's right. (If you've paid attention to a few references I've made here and there, then you should know what game series these four people are from. I hope you guys don't hate me for this.)

(Y/n): May Simon, Gary, Yuri, and Soap rest in piece. And wherever you are, Price, I hope you do good. You guys were the best of friends a man could've asked for. Here's to you guys.

(Y/n) then proceeds to pull out a cigar that Price had given him before he lost contact with him and light it with a lighter that he had received from Soap as a birthday gift before the team was sent on a highly dangerous mission that resulted in Simon, Yuri, Gary, and Soap being killed and Price being critically injured, but later made a full recovery. He tools a few puffs from it while a few tears roll down his cheek before putting it out. (Y/n) usually will smoke once a month for the remembrance of his friends.

-with Meghan-

Meghan heard the whole exchange of what (Y/n) said. She was surprised that (Y/n) had never told her about this. She now wanted to be able to help her crush through the hard time he was having as it is around the time of year of the anniversary of his friends' deaths. She debated on wither or not to go out and talk with him. Meghan decided to leave him be for the time being as she thought he needed a bit of alone time.

Location: Hereford Base Canteen; Time: 0930

As we see that breakfast is being served in the canteen while it is pouring rain outside, all of Team Rainbow is sitting down, eating, and/or chatting with their friends. Meghan can be seen sitting down with Jaeger Corps Spook, "Nøkk"; rootin' tootin' Aussie, Tori "Gridlock" Fairous; open range ranger, Thandiwe "Melusi" Ndlovu; and weeb hacker person, Grace "Dokkaebi" Nam.

Than (Melusi): So what exactly are we going to do about the new recruit staying in the dorms with us?

Grace (Doki): I'm okay with it, you saw how cute he was. -Grace blushes at this as she said this out loud-

Nøkk: He was cute, but I need to know how I'm supposed to be able to trust him enough to let that happen.

Tori (Grid): Nøkk, give the poor kid a break. He's had it rough ever since what happened last night and him thinking we hardly trust him at all.

Meghan decided to peep in.

Meghan: Yeah, Nøkk, give him a chance, you'll like him. I promise he trustworthy, just give him a chance.

Nøkk: If you say so, he's going to have to earn my trust though.

All other four: Whatever you say, Nøkk...

At that moment, (Y/n) walked in. All heads turned to see him and he got very uncomfortable as he doesn't like too much attention on him. He went to where the food was.

Lunch Lady: What can I get for you, sonny?

(Y/n): 2 slices of toast with a little butter with a side of hash browns, please.

Lunch Lady: Comin' right up, sonny. -the Lunch Lady hands (Y/n) his food- Here you go, enjoy.

(Y/n): Thank you.

(Y/n) walked to a table in the corner and started eating. It was at this moment that Meghan noticed that (Y/n) is sopping wet and had blood on the front of his shirt and some on his pants. Meghan started panicking when she saw the blood. She had many thoughts going through her head like "Did he try killing himself?!?" or "Did he try hurting himself deliberately?!" Tori noticed this and acted fast.

Tori: Meghan, calm down, I get that you care deeply about his safety and well-being, but if he sees that you saw the blood and see you panicking, he might start to freak out about it and do something he'll regret. Please get the full story first.

Meghan: -breathes deeply and sighs- Thanks Tori. I appreciate you helping me calm down. I'll ask him about it later.

At that moment, the intercom burst to life.

Harry on intercom: All operators please report to the shooting range and simulation training center.

Many of the operators were a bit confused about what this was about, but complied. (Y/n) quickly ate the remaining food he had and put his tray on top of the garbage where the other ones were.

—at the shooting range-

When all of the operators were at the shooting range, Harry walked out and spoke.

Harry: Thank you all for coming. The reason why I called you here to so we can see (Y/n)'s shooting to see where he'll place on the board.

The board is a scoreboard that has all operators with their respective scores with Tachanka, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, at the top with a score of 230 points out of 250.

Harry: (Y/n), grab your weapon of choice and show us what you got.

(Y/n): Yessir.

He got his AK-M with the attachments out for the test. He walked to the booth and loaded the special rounds into the gun with 8 extra mags. A buzzer went off and he started.

A buzzer went off again, signaling that the trial was over. When his final score was added up, all operators were impressed with his score of 250. He hit all targets. Ghost was then popping up at the top of the board above Tachanka.

Harry: Well, looks like we have a new leader on the board. Good job, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thank you sir.

Chatter could be heard from the operators spectating what happened. Most of it being surprised chat, with the occasional "show off" and "I could've done that" from the dickhead recruits.

Harry: Next up: Attackers vs. Defenders simulation. I would like for Tachanka, Smoke, Mute, Castle, Pulse, Ela, Valkyrie, Bandit, and Jäger to report to inside as Defenders as (Y/n) will be on the Attackers going solo. After that, I want Montagne, Twitch, Ash, Thermite, IQ, Iana, Sledge, and Thatcher to report at Attackers as (Y/n) will then be on the Defenders going solo.

To be continued...

A/n note: Well, that's Chapter 7 done. I'm happy with how this chapter turned out. I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think of the story. I'll see you guys next time. - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now