Chapter 23

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The seven operators were on their way back to Hereford Base HQ in the two jeeps in no time at all. As they arrived back at base, three very pissed off women were seen in the parking garage waiting for the seven of them to return. After they got out, the women can be recognized as Valkyrie in casual wear, Caviera in casual wear, and the last woman walking out of the elevator was Nøkk in her usual frogman outfit, but without her typical veil on, which took all the other operators by surprise. Nøkk is seen to have her hair up in two buns on each side of her head with the rest dropping down to just below her shoulders with her hair being a deep auburn color ending in blond highlights at the hair near her shoulders. Her piercing green eyes are staring daggers into the six female operators that walked up alongside the Division Agent. The six operators have a shiver go down their spine.

Nøkk, Valkyrie, and Caviera: Just where have you seven been for the last hour?

(Y/n): I went AWOL.

Valk: Why would you do that?

(Y/n): After everything that went down with the Tournament of Champions, I need some time to myself to think over a few things.

Kali: We went to go find him and bring him back here.

Cav: Alright, as long as everybody is okay. Let's head up and head to bed. (Y/n), Harry wanted me to let you know that your dorm is ready.

(Y/n): Thanks for the heads up.

Everyone proceed to head up to bed for the night at their respective dorms with the Agent heading to his now finished own dorm.

As he walked in, he saw a 60" flat screen SmartTV with Netflix, Discovery+, Disney+, HBO Max, and Hulu downloaded onto it with a seven seater U shaped couch across from the tv. When he looked more around, he saw his weapons hanging on one of the walls with all his skills on a table next to the workbench meant for fixing and repairing his gear. As he walked into the bedroom, he saw there was one kingsized bed with a door leading to a connected bathroom with shower.

As he was about to go take a look at something that he saw was on his dresser near the bed, (Y/n) heard a knock on the door. When he answered the door, he saw Nøkk standing there, still without her typical veil on.

Nøkk: May I come in?

(Y/n): Of course. -he let her in and closed the door. Was there something that you needed?

Nøkk: I wanted to tell you a few things about myself to you as you been nothing but sweet to me.
First of all, my real name is Karina Gaarddhøje. Second of all, thank you for being so sweet to me, nobody besides my mother had ever made me feel special like the way you do. Nøkk proceeds to give the Division Agent a very deep French kiss-

(Y/n): I thought that your identity and name couldn't be revealed because of a scandal that would break out if anyone found this out?

Karina (Nøkk): I'm allowed to share with my teammates, but chose not to until you came along. If you're wondering how I know I can trust you, you never throw anybody under the bus. For me being 32; I know that's trustworthy.

(Y/n): Okay, then I won't tell anyone else about it.

Karina: Thank you, love.

Karina looks at her watch and see that it's 11:30 PM.

Karina: Well, I think it's high time I get to the women's dorms and turn in for the night.

(Y/n): Alright. Good night, Karina, love you.

Karina: Goodnight, love, I love you too.

And with that, Karina heads out of the dorm.

(Y/n): Well, that happened.

(Y/n) went back to his bedroom and he took a closer look at the dresser by the bed, what he saw was a pack of cigars with a letter under it along with a picture. (Y/n) walked over and picked up the letter. The letter read the following:


We know you haven't heard from anyone in a long while. It's about time we told you, everyone is alive and okay. There is a time stamped picture to prove this to you, we had decided that it's time to show that we are all okay and that nobody died on the mission where you thought a few of the Task Force died. We're sorry that you had to believe that, but it was to needed to force an enemy's hand for them to make a mistake which ended up being their downfall. That enemy is now dead as we found out it was Mr. Z. We hope to see you again when you come back to the States as we are currently on vacation there after stopping Mr. Z, Al-Asad, and Al-Qatala. Laswell sends her regards to you for a speedy recovery, we all do. We did find out about you getting attacked by those 5 bastards who destroyed your arm, don't worry about them, we've already made plans for them. As for how we found out about it, Harry showed us a recording. As for the Task Force as of now, Farah and Nikolai ended up joining up along with Alex. As we stated earlier, we're all on vacation in the States for a while as a reward for stopping Mr. Z. We hope that you send us a letter back responding to this.

With regards...

Cpt. Price, Cpt. MacTavish, Sgt. Garrick, Roach, Lt. Simon Riley, and Yuri.

After reading the letter, (Y/n) smiles as he picked up the photo showing all of Task Force 141 in it smiling with each of the members holding a sign saying for him to get better along with Laswell on the left side side of the photo smiling. He proceeds to put the photo in a picture frame that he saw on one of the dressers on the bedroom. He heads into the bathrooms and showers before changing into some comfortable clothing to sleep in.As he's changing though, he hears the tv turn on and the show "Pitbulls and Parolees" start to play. He is confused by this and finished changing. When he peeked around the corner to investigate, he found Aruni, Melusi, Iana, Kali, Amaru, Nøkk, Gridlock, Nomad, Clash, Alibi, Finka, Dokkaebi, Zofia, Ela, Ying, Mira, Hibana, Cav, Valk, Frost, Ash, Twitch, and IQ. All of in nightwear either sitting on the couch or chilling on the floor.

(Y/n)'s mind right now:



(Y/n) walks out of the bedroom and is greeted to all the women in Team Rainbow looking at him.

Kali: We need to talk.

To be continued......

A/n note: Well, that's Chapter 23. Let me know if you guys want more of this and if you enjoyed this new chapter. I'll see ya guys next time. -Z.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now