Chapter 1

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Location: Miami, Florida; Time: 13:46 (1:46 P.M. for those who don't know how to tell military time)

Our protagonist wearing a backwards trucker hat, tank top with a phoenix fighting a bald eagle on it, tattoo of the Division (see picture above for it) on his neck and with skulls, tombstones, and bones across his entire left arm -(A/N note: Sorry, I forgot to mention that he had two tattoos on him. My bad! Also for the tattoo on his arm, if you have every played Jurassic Park the game, think of his tattoo to look like Oscar's.), cargo pants, and black combat boots with a prosthetic right arm with a special looking watch on can be seen walking into a Pacific National Bank to cash in his paychecks from working a security guard.

(A/N note: you can choose which music you want to having playing in the background of this as it's going on.)

As he was getting in line, he could see in the teller's glass 3 unmarked white vans pull up to the curb outside. The doors to the vans opened and 30 White Masks were seen entering the bank and shouting for everyone to get on the ground. As for (Y/N), he listed to them, but he had hide his combat knife in his right boot to wait for the right time to strike. As he was being moved to the back to be hid with the other hostages with one Mask pushing him and another in the other room, he elbowed the mask that was behind him on the teeth, he grabbed his knife and slit the throat of terrorist. He laid the body down and grabbed the ACR the dead terrorist was holding, the M9 Beretta that's in the holster, and searched the body for ammo and gear, he managed to find suppressors on the body and 3 extra mags for both weapons. He grabbed the body armor that was on the body and strapped himself up. The White Mask came out of the other room only to get a knife thrown into his head, (Y/N) then screwed on the suppressors and made sure they were on tight. He then told all the hostages to stay quiet while he secured the building, and started sweeping the first floor. As he got to the lobby, he spotted 5 hostiles keeping track of the money that was in the tellers area so he took them up out one by one quietly. He said "7 down, 23 to go." and continued to sweep for hostiles.

As (Y/N) reaches the vault, he saw White Masks blowing open the vault to get the money out of it. He then saw a flashbang on one of the enemies he previously killed so he grabbed it, pulled the pin and threw it into the clutter of enemies. As it went off, he then killed 5 of the 8 Masks that were there. He ducked behind cover to reload his ACR and to avoid being shot, he then peeked and shot 2 dead with 4 shots to the chest and 1 in the head, but kept one alive by shooting the guy in the leg 3 times. He holstered the ACR on his chest and pulled out the Beretta. (Y/N) walked up to the wounded White Mask and pulled 'em up, he pointed the M9 to the terrorist's eye

(Y/N): "Where are the others?!? LOCATIONS, NOW!"
The wounded: "Fuck you, you're a dead man, and proceeded to spit on (Y/N).

(Y/N) didn't like that one bit and he decided to do something he knew would get the terrorist to talk, he throw the wounded to the ground and started to apply pressure to the dude's dick and balls with his boot. The wounded started screaming and begging him to stop.

(Y/N): "If you want this to stop, then give me what I want to know now!" and applied more pressure.

The wounded finally gave in and said, "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, YOU WIN! There are 10 on the second floor and 5 in the basement."
(Y/N): "Good, I'm not going to kill ya, I might have some use for you later," and then knocked out the wounded.

He put the wounded into a chair and tied him up/gagged him so he couldn't alert the others, and noticed a MP5 that was on another one of the bodies and grabbed it and grabbed another suppressor that was on the wounded Mask.

As (Y/N) moved to the stairway, he saw 2 guards by the basement doorway, he decided to improvise so he knocked over a trash can to gain the attention of one of the guards. As expected, one of the terrorists cane up to see what the commotion was and he swiftly grabbed the Mask and slit his throat with his knife. He then laid the body down gently to avoid making anymore noise, and made his way back to the stairway. (Y/N) now had a chance to take out the other guard, which he did by throwing his knife into the Mask's head, and moved into the basement room. He spotted the last three on the floor going through documents and files, seemingly looking for something of importance. He shot them dead with the MP5 shooting them 5 times in the chest and once in the heart. (Y/N) had 10 hostiles left to eliminate. He made his way to the second floor and encountered a lone Mask wandering the halls, thinking quickly he grabbed the guy by his neck and held his knife to his throat.

(Y/N): "Where are the others at?!? Tell me and I might be merciful."
The terrified terrorist: "Okay, okay. Just don't hurt me. They are in the manager's office."

(Y/N) then broke one of the Mask's legs and threw him to the ground. The Mask said, "I THOUGHT YOU'D BE MERCIFUL IF I TOLD YOU!!!"
(Y/N): "Yeah, I'll be merciful and give you a quick death," and shot the terrorist with a bullet between the eyes.

He approached the manager's office and had an idea, he grabbed an empty soda can out of a nearby trash can, some tissue, and some gunpowder from the dead mask's AUG and made a makeshift grenade. He lit it with a lighter he found on the dead Mask he had killed and threw in into the room, all he heard was "GRENNNADDDE!!!" being yelled out and then the boom. He went in and saw he killed the last of the Masks.

(Y/N) then went to the back room where all the hostages were and untied them as the police just showed up and saw all the carnage (Y/N) caused. They ordered him to drop his weapons and then questioned him on what happened and he told them that he's an ex-SEAL so he was able to handle the situation. After they reviewed the security footage, the cops let him go on his way and the manager of the bank along with everyone else in the bank thanked him for saving them and stopping the terrorists. As for the tied up wounded terrorist, he's been handed over to the authorities for further questioning.

-timeskip brought to you by chibi Ghost having a joyride in a hot-wired truck he highjacked-

It's been 5 days since the incident at the bank and (Y/N) has become somewhat of a hero to many who saw or heard of what happened on the news. (Y/N) was given a medal by the mayor and was given several cases of whiskey from the cops as a thank you. Universal Studios heard what happened and promoted him to Head of Security due to how well he handled what happened and his family is very proud of him so they took him out for dinner.

But what (Y/N) doesn't know is that a certain Indian man had seen the security footage of the bank attack and was hoping to learn more about him and if he's interested in joining a certain anti-terrorist unit. I think we all know who this man is.    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(A/N note: Jesus Christ, my hands fucking hurts from typing all this out. Well, that's it for Chapter 1 of The Agent of Rainbow. Let me know what you think and give me ideas for what to add into Chapter 2 in the comments, I'll see you guys next time!) - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now