Chapter 10

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A/n note: This chapter has strong violence and a bit of gore, if you're squeamish, skip ahead.

You've. Been. Warned.

Previously on the Agent of Rainbow...

Harry: Defuser disabled! Defenders win!

Location: Hereford Base; Time: 1010

Our main character walking down the hallway out of the simulation room. This is where he is meet with five recruits giving him death stares with two other recruits trying to calm down their friends.

(Y/n) to himself: Weird, gonna have to keep an eye on those shitheads.

And with that, he was right, five of the seven recruits started to approach him and surround him. (Y/n) could tell from the get go that this was going to go south for sure. Let's see what happens...

Recruit Ringleader: Hey! Fuckface!

(Y/n): -gets pulled from thought- Hmm? You talking to me? Because if so, I really don't like how you're talking to me.

Recruit 2: Heh! Dipshit thinks he deserves respect! Get in line, bucko, we don't owe you shit.

Recruit 3: Way to be a showoff during your simulation! We could have done that against 29 of them! -shoves (Y/n)-

(Y/n): Alright. Listen here, asshole. I don't give a shit about what you say you guys can do, but I really am not going to take this from you fuckers so I'm giving you one warning.

Recruit 4 pretending to be (Y/n): I dOnt caRE abOut what yOU say. Blah blah blah!!

Recruit 5: Hah, it's five against one, dumbass, face it. We will beat you in this easily!

The two recruits that were previously trying to calm down their friends were watching with interest about what (Y/n) would do. They were worried that (Y/n) would get in trouble for this, but were going to watch so they can act as witnesses if the five recruits trying getting our main character in trouble. (They will play an important role later. As one special Titan, may he Rest In Peace, would say, "Trust me.")

Recruit Ringleader: GET HIM BOYS!!

(Y/n): Man, fuck this.

Recruit 2 tried tackling our main character, but was met with a fist to the jaw. (Y/n) then proceeded to kick him in the baby maker, hearing a loud *pop* in the process ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). The two recruits in the back cringed at this hard. The recruits were horrified at this.

Recruit 3 and 4 tried grabbing (Y/n) from behind and they managed to. Recruit 5 punches out main character in the stomach 3 times and kicked him in the leg 4 times. It was at this moment that the fifth recruit noticed that (Y/n) had something in his Go-Bag so he opened it.

Recruit 5: Oh, what's that in your bag?? -he pulls out a special looking balaclava and boonie hat- These look mighty important to have it in your Bag. Would be a shame if someone ruined them...

 Would be a shame if someone ruined them

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(This is the hat and balaclava that was in Ghost's Bag

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(This is the hat and balaclava that was in Ghost's Bag. The story for why (Y/n) has Simon Riley's balaclava and Price's hat is these are some of the last things he has to remember his friends by. Rest In Peace to the crew.)

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at this. As the recruit was trying to rip the balaclava, (Y/n) head butted him, breaking the recruit's nose, and broke free from recruit 3 and 4. He punched the recruit 5 five times and then stomped on his ribs a few times, hearing a few good cracks. He went to turn around to recruit 3 only to see him with his P9 out and was pointing it at (Y/n).

Recruit 3: Leave him alone! NOW! Walk away, and nobody gets hurt.

(Y/n): Typical. Little bitch has to hide behind his firearm instead of just dealing with it like a man.

The recruit was enraged by this and pulled the trigger 4 times, (Y/n)'s eyes widened at this and activated his Shield to protect himself. Recruit 3 was still mad and threw him gun at (Y/n) and ran at him. (Y/n) caught the gun and pistol-whipped the recruit, knocking him out in the process, he then emptied the gun mag out of the P9 and threw the P9 away near the two recruits that were still watching the event unfold. While (Y/n) wasn't paying attention, recruit 4 had grabbed a baton and hit (Y/n)'s prosthetic arm. (Y/n) felt the sudden surge of pain and yelled, falling to the ground. Recruit 4 hit his arm 6 more times, badly damaging the prosthetic. The recruit would have continued if he was able to, except for the fact that five important people walked in and are horrified by all the blood that's all over.

Meghan, Jaimini, Zofia, Collinn, and Harry: WHAT IN THE GOOD FUCKING GOD IS GOING ON HERE!?!?

The recruit on top of (Y/n) freezes, he is then tackled by Warden and disarmed. Meghan, Jaimini, and Zofia run over to (Y/n), who is having a hard time trying to stay awake without passing out from the pain and his arm is bleeding badly and is having a panic attack. Meghan is reduced to tears at the sight of the man she loves looking like this and holds him in her arms, trying to keep him awake and calm. Kali and Zofia were worried about Meghan and their teammate who's arm looks like it needs to be replaced, they feel horrible. Harry is looking at the scene in disbelief as what the fuck just happened...

Collinn: Dammit, (Y/n). What the hell happened?

(Y/n): -Heavy breathing and in tears, not able to speak much as he's still in shock from what happened- Collinn.. i-i-is that a-a-actually you?

Collinn: Yeah, it's me, old friend. You'll be fine, I promise. -Collinn notices his friend's hat and balaclava on the ground, he puts them back in his bag-


Ringleader: Sir, that man attacked us unprovoked. He's mentally unstable and needs to be locked up. He's a danger to us all! Please, do something!!

Trustful recruit (one of the ones who watched the whole thing): Sir, what that man says isn't true. Ghost was attacked by the five recruits that are mainly injured except for the the recruit that was tackled by Warden and the Ringleader who is trying to put the blame onto Ghost! Me and Jay (random name for the other recruit) tried calming them down, but it wasn't effective. We stayed back to watch the whole event in case something like this happened. We recorded the whole event on Jay's phone.

Jay: Yeah, Ryan's right, (random name for the trustful recruit.) Ghost was attacked by them. I have it recorded. Here, taste a look.

Ringleader started sweating heavily and tried snaking our the window, but Warden saw this, tackled him, and then handcuffed him to the recruit he tackled previously. Harry saw the recording and is furious with the five recruits.

Harry: YOU FIVE! MY OFFICE NOW! Collinn, if you would, get them there.

Warden: My fuckin' pleasure, sir. -flashes a dark smile-

Harry then turns to Meghan, Jaimini, Zofia, and (Y/n), who is crying at this point from the pain: Girls, if your able to, please take him to the infirmary and get Doc there pronto.

Meg, Jai, and Zof: Yessir!

To be continued...

A/n note: Well, this is one of the more sad things I've written. Anyway, I hope you guys don't hate me for how much of a turn this chapter is. I'll see you guys next time. - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now