Chapter 24

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A/n note: Two chapters being released in one day? Eh why not?

Last time the Agent of Rainbow....

Kali: We need to talk....

(Y/n) is feeling a plethora of emotions as he sits down on the floor to listen to the girls of Team Rainbow talk to him.

For one, he is feeling awkwardness from the girls being in his room with them being in their nightwear. A second emote is confusion as he has no idea what is in store for him as of the moment.

Kali: You okay, hun? You look stressed.

(Y/n) is knocked out of his thoughts by Kali speaking up and stammers.

(Y/n); Y-Y-Yeah, I'm fine.

Regardless, he is still confused on what the girls want to talk about.

All female operators at the same time: We all have feelings for you, (Y/n).

(Y/n) is shocked and speechless when he hears this from them and has only one thought in his head which is the video below...

-five minutes later-

All the girls on Team Rainbow were looking at their teammate with worry that he isn't going to feel the same back to them. Karina then started to speak.

Karina (Nøkk): Love, you okay?

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm alright, just speechless that all of you girls feel like this towards me. I mean there's tons of other men besides me and I don't even know why you would want me. I mean, I have a prosthetic arm and not many people would date a cripple. I can barely com-

Valk: I'll have none of that bullshit from you. You're perfect just the way you are, hun. You're selfless, kind, and loving to everyone you meet. You put others before yourself and always make sure to check in with others in their sad or down in the dumps. I fell in love with you the moment I met you. -Valk proceeds to French kiss him-

Cav: That's how it was for me too, mi amor. We love you for what's on the inside, regardless of what you look like on the outside. -Cav then kisses him-

(Y/n) after he's done getting kissed: I get the idea. Thank you all for this. I accept.

All the girls then squeal and all of them jump onto him and hug/kiss/makeout with him.

When they finish, they all get up.

(Y/n): You girls should probably all head back to your dorm so you girls can sleep.

All: Alright, goodnight, love.

(Y/n): Goodnight, love y'all.

All the girls proceed to leave the Agent's room except for Valkyrie.

(Y/n): Meghan, was there something that you needed?

Valk: Do you mind if I sleep with you in here?

(Y/n): Of course, you girls are more than welcome to sleep in here with me.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now