Chapter 26

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(I'm typing this out on the plane to my vacation so no guarantees that it'll be 100% spellchecked)

(Y/n): Fuck.

(Play this during the next little scene)

In the pictures, we can see three individuals who are seen with bags over their heads and guns being pointed at the back of their heads by the White Masks.

The message sent with the pictures said:


You know who we are, don't you? Remember the Rogues? You know why we did this, don't you? Show your face for us to kill you, we won't kill this people you hold so dear to your stupid fucking heart. These are your sisters so you better think long and hard about what you do next, wise guy. We'll be seeing you very soon. Show this message to anyone else and they die. Try anything funny, they die. Attached below you find the location of the dead drop for the location where you can find us and your sisters.

(Y/n): This motherfuckers has gone way too fuckin' far this time. After the shit they pulled in Los Santos with Avon, I'm putting a stop to these jackasses once and for all.

Then the loudspeaker burst to life as Harry spoke over it.

Harry: Can the following operators please come to the briefing room. I need Zero, Ghost, Thunderbird, Doc, Ash, Thermite, Maverick, Capitao, Castle, Caveira, Jäger, Finka, Warden, Blackbeard, Valkyrie, Kali, Ace, Montagne, Dokkaebi, Alibi, and Clash to report there immediately.

(Y/n) looked over to see his fellow Operators that were called to the briefing room getting up and groaning about being called on their day off, but oh well, duty calls. After he got up, (Y/n) jogged to catch up Sam to talk with him.

(Y/n): Hey Uncle, I got something you might want to see.

Sam: Whatcha got there, nephew?

The Agent proceeds to show his Uncle the message and images he had received minutes prior to being called down.

Sam: -sighs- Welp, these fuckers apparently don't know what happens when you threaten a person's family. I doubt anybody besides our family knows what I did to the people that had threatened your cousin after faking her death and then the lying and blackmail.

(A/n note: I never personally played a Splinter Cell game since Blacklist had came out, but I know some of the lore from the other games so I apologize if I'm getting some facts wrong here.)

(Y/n): No shit, Uncle Sam. Anyways, let's go see what Harry wants.

-a few minutes later in the briefing room-

The twenty one Operators are now seen settling down in the chairs of the briefing room and waiting for Harry to start with the briefing.

Harry: Approximately a few minutes ago, we were sent this images and message. -Harry proceeds to show the message and images (Y/n) had received-  Ghost and Zero, I understand that you're going to want to be sent in along with the team. You can do it as long as you don't let your emotions get in the way of rescuing your family before going to eliminate the hostiles. Any problems with that?

Sam/(Y/n): No complaints from me./Not a problem, boss.

Harry: Good men. Everybody else, you know the drill. Jager, you will be the pilot getting everyone to New York City along with going in with the team. Dokkaebi, you will be observing the outpost for possible breachable entryways and exits where we can get the teams in and out without any problems through drone imaging before going along with the strike teams. Doc, Thunderbird, Ace, and Finka, you four will be there with the strike teams to provide medical aid to any possible injured and make sure if they will be capable of being moved. Ash, Thermite, Clash, Montagne, Capitao, Caveira, Warden, Maverick, Alibi, Castle, Kali, Blackbeard, Valkyrie, Ghost, and Zero, you guys will a part of the main strike teams, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. The main idea is to strike the outpost from four different angles to maximize the amount of confusion the enemy will be under. We have the support of local FBI SWAT teams along with the support of the NCIS since the outpost is an abandoned oil tanker capsized on a barren island a bit of the coast of New York. When you get to New York, keep an eye open for Agent Gibbs of the NCIS as he'll be your point of contact for the NCIS team as well as the FBI SWAT. Any other questions before we start packing up and heading out?

Ash: I have one, sir.

Harry: Ash, what is it you'd like to ask?

Ash: Did you call Jordan (Thermite), Miles (Castle), and I here because we're formerly from the FBI SEAT teams so they'll feel more comfortable working around Team Rainbow?

Harry: Precisely.

Ash: Understood loud and clear, sir.

Harry: Alright, well, everybody get their gear ready to go. You leave in about within the hour.

All Operators: Yes sir.

And with that, the 21 operators left the briefing room to get their stuff ready to roll. (Y/n) went to his dorm to get into his combat outfit and grab his tech, weapons, and gear. As he was changing, he heard his door slide open and then a few footsteps stepping into his room. After he finished changing, he walked out to see Blackbeard, Valk, Kali, Caveira, and Thunderbird.

(Y/n): What are you guys doing here?

Craig (Blackbeard): I'm here to tell you that you don't have to worry, we'll get your sisters back safe and sound. I promise.

Blackbeard proceeds to leave the dorm leave the Division Agent with the girls.

(Y/n): What about you four?

Kali: We're here to check up on you after seeing that. It can't be easy with your sisters being kidnapped like that.

(Y/n): Thanks for the concern. I'm really worried about what's going to happen if we don't get there in time.

Valk: Hey hun, we're here for you if you need someone.

Cav: We'll rescue them, I promise, love.

Thunderbird: We'll go to hell and back to see to it that they get home safe.

(Y/n): Thank you.

To be continued....

Hey, Z here. That's chapter 26 done. I'm happy with how it came out. Anywho, imma get back to relaxing while I wait for my connection to the next part of my flight to board. I'll see ya next time.


The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now