Chapter 36

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A/n note: I apologize about the wait on this chapter. I don't really have an excuse this time other than I kept losing track of time every damn time I tried writing this chapter and I would then not have an idea for what I would want to do for it. Anyways, enough of my sorry-ass complaining. This chapter is probably be dogshit garbage, but I tried. Here you go.

Previously on The Agent of Rainbow....

The Rainbow operators went topside and exited the sub where they saw a barge like ship ready to take them to land. (Think of the ship like the Pioneer from R6 Extraction.) The operators see their commanding officer on the deck above them on the ship and he calls out to them.

Harry: It's good to see you again. Especially you, Ghost.

(Y/n): It's good to see you too, Boss.

-To the present-

We currently see the Agent on deck of the barge as he looks off into the sunset of the summer evening after telling Harry about what happened. He casually reaches for his pocket to grab a smoke, but only to stop and remember.

(Y/n): Oh right, dammit, I forgot I don't have any cigars on me right now.

We see a figure approach the man from behind as the figure leans on the railing next to (Y/n). He takes note of this and looks to see who the individual next to him is and he sees it's his comrade, Capitao, who had accompanied Harry on the trip to pick up the Team Rainbow fire team of operators.

Cap: Hey (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hey Vincente, what brings you out here?

Cap: I figured you could use someone to talk to right about now. Oh, and to give you these.

Capitao passes (Y/n) a fresh pack of unopened Cuban cigars along with a new lighter that was themed after the movie and TV series, Transformers.

(Y/n): Well then. Gracias, amigo. -(Y/n) then flips the cover up and lights the lighter before closing it- What brought you along for picking us up?

Cap: Well, we have an operation in Southern Africa soon that this barge will be taking us to after we drop you off. It will be me, Fuze, Tachanka, Kapkan, and Glaz that will be going out there.

(Y/n): You guys dealing with more of the WM bastards?

Cap: If you'd believe this, but we're actually not dealing with them this time. The targets are apparently sicarios and insurgent commanders that have ties to both the WM and Al-Qatala terrorost groups.

(Y/n): AQ? I know those assholes all too well. They tortured me for months before I escaped from the terrorist camp I was held captive at. I ended up with some of scars on my back as a result from being pushed too fair in the torture.

Cap: Me and you both, amigo, that is how I ended up losing my eye. Being a hostage in a hostage situation is never fun.

(Y/n): No shit.

Cap: Anyways, I'll leave you be. I got to get some sleep. Adios, amigo.

(Y/n): See you later, mate.

Capitao gave the Agent a forearm handshake before he walked away from the Agent. The Agent looked back at the sunset before opening the pack of cigars and taking one out of it. He put it into his mouth before closing the pack and putting it into his pocket. He took the lighter, flipped it open, and lit it as he put the flame to the end of the cigar, lighting it. He closed the lighter and put it into the pocket of the hoodie he had on at the moment as the ocean air was making him cold. He takes the cigar out of his mouth as he breathes out the smoke building in his lungs. He continues to smoke for about ten minutes before he notices two other people come up next to him. He puts the cigar back into his mouth and puts both his hands on the railing before turning to see who it was that was now next to him.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now