Chapter 38

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Previously on the Agent of Rainbow...

We see the Agent riding back to Hereford Base in his brand new 2021 Shelby. As he reaches the gates leading to the base, the guard walks out of the shed for perimeter security and gestured for the Agent to stop. (Y/n) rolled down the window to speak with the guard and the guard asked him for ID. The Agent raised his left wrist to show his SmartWatch to the guard and the guard nodded before signaling to his buddy inside the guard shed to lower the bollards and to open the gate and the Agent continued on his way. After pulling into the underground garage reserved for Rainbow operator and personnel's personal vehicles. He pulls into the spot that is reserved just for him and parks in the spot before turning off the car and exiting it. He locks up the ride before he started to head towards the elevator. As he reaches it, the door is already opening to reveal Nøkk without her veil on. The Danish operator looks a little surprised to see her beloved on the garage.

Nøkk: Hey hun. When did you get back? I was just about to come you.

(Y/n): I drove myself, don't worry about it, Karina. -The agent kisses her on the cheek before walking into the elevator-

Nøkk is left speechless for a few seconds before shrugging and entering back into the elevator.

-to the future-


An explosion is heard and the sound of alarms begin going off.

???: Fuck-ING CHRIST!!!

??: GHOST!!


The pilot and all of his teammates that were in the chopper with him managed to keep themselves secured from falling out unlike their brother-in-arms. The first two of his teammates worried about the Agent are the newest members of Team Rainbow with the first one being Charlie Tho "Grim" Keng Boon, the newest member from the NIGHTHAVEN squad and the second one being Ana "Solis" Valentina Díaz who is the newest member of the Ghosteyes squad. Their other two teammates are Capitao and Thermite. The pilot is a man that is a good friend to the dangling Division Agent. He is Nikolai, a trusted contact of (Y/n)'s as well as a trusted friend of Task Force 141.

 He is Nikolai, a trusted contact of (Y/n)'s as well as a trusted friend of Task Force 141

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(Above is a pic of Nikolai.)

Nikolai: Fuck! -into his radio- All stations, Ghost fell out of the helo!!

A gruff and well known voice gets onto the radio.

???: Nik, say again?

Nik: Captain, we lost Ghost! He's gone!

Ghost gets on his radio and speaks quickly into it.

Ghost: I'm not dead yet, Nik! I'm alright, but I could use some help down here.

Nik: Ебена мать. (Holy shit in Russian)

The unknown voice know recognized as Captain Price lets out a short breath of relief over the radio at the realization that Ghost is alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now