Chapter 29

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(A/n note: I apologize for the very short chapter on this. I lost the original copy, how I lost it I will explain later.)

As the SUVs start to approach the supposedly abandoned warehouse, we see the Division Agent get out of the last SVU after everyone else while he finish's loading his weapons. He gets out after everyone rushed to the warehouse and looks to the big blue yonder to see a few boats coming with white masks make their way towards the warehouse. He started catching up to everyone else and let them know the news.

(Y/n) yelling out to everyone: They have reinforcements inbound! Get ready for a fight!

Cav: Pinga.

All of the various operators and agents stacked up on the metal door before 3 hard breaching charges were placed onto the latches that locked the operatives out. After the fuses went and the charges blasted the locks off, they slid the door open to be met with gunfire from the catwalks and ground level of the warehouse. Montagne set his shield into full protection mode as (Y/n) readies his M60 and opens fire before all the other operatives join their comrade in returning fire. All of the operatives start pushing into the warehouse after the white mask forces start to dwindle. During the second push into the warehouse, a white mask sniper managed to pop a crack shot off at the Division Agent with a .338 Lapua caliber bullet striking the Agent in the lower portion of his left arm and the bullet sticking out of the arm without going through all the way.


Ghost did a division style combat roll behind some metal crates before assessing the damage done on his arm. He took note that the bullet didn't hit anything vital, but he would need to remove the bullet so he can continue to use his left arm. He took a glance over to Doc and saw Doc looking at him with a face of concern. Kali has saw everything unfold before scoping in on the sniper that shot her loved one and blew the sniper's brains out with a precise bullet in between the eyes. She then rushed over to Ghost and greeted him with a quick peck on the lips before starting to worry.

Kali: Hun, are you okay?

Ghost: Fucking sniper put a piece of lead in my arm.

Kali: I'll cover you while you get yourself sorted.

Ghost took off his Go-Bag and started to rifle through it while Doc ran over to the two operatives currently behind cover.

Doc: Ghost, you need to let me see your arm so I can try to fix it.

Ghost: I got this, I've done a few things like what I'm about to do before.

Doc: If you're sure, mon amie.

Ghost finally found what he was looking for in his bag. He pulled out a pair of pliers and gripped the grabber end around the bullet. He braces himself before yanking the pliers downward along with pulling the bullet out of his arm.

(If you want a visual of what Ghost did. 2:13 is the animation that Ghost preforms.)

Ghost: MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!! -he then pulls out bandages from his bag and wraps up his wound before sliding his shirt sleeve over the bandages- Thank god that's all fixed up. -he zips his bag up closed and slings it back onto his shoulders- Let's get this done.

-30 minutes later-

The warehouse was secured and the NCIS wished luck fo Team Rainbow before they departed back to the HQ as Team Rainbow got ready to go to the oil tanker.

To be continued......

A/n note: My fucking laptop with the original chapter had broken due to the fucking hard drive breaking and I didn't get a chance to save the original copy so I'm using my phone to quickly do a short sum up for what I had previously. I need to get it repaired in the next coming weeks so I may not post a chapter for a few weeks. I'm sorry about the very short chapter. I'm just very pissed off right now with life. I'll see you guys next time. -Z.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now