Chapter 17

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Where we last left off, the Division Agent was running away faster than Ash on a mixture of hyper-crack-speed-meth doing a rush in on house. He arrives at the Research and Development department where all operators are able to work on and fiddle with their gadgets. (Y/n) didn't even realize where he was running, but accepted where he was. He decided to check his watch and gear to make sure that they were alright from the fight earlier in the week.

When walking to the makeshift SHD workbench, he saw a few familiar faces. Those faces belonging to Specialists: Max "Mozzie" Goose, Sébastien "Buck" Côté, and Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak. He remembers Goose from a time he was at a battlebot tournament. He remembers Buck from a joint operation between the Seals and JTF2 while he remembers Ela from a collaboration his Army unit did with the PMC Ela worked for at the time. He continues to the makeshift SHD workbench that is in the corner of the room. He takes the ISAC Brick off his Go-Bag, took out his Division issues Contact Lens, and took off his watch to ensure full functionality of al his equipment.

-a few hours later-

Our hero finished fixing up his gear. He packed it up and started walking out of the R&D department and started to make his way to the commons area. While walking, he overhears his name on the intercom.

Harry: Will Operators Nøkk, Kali, Aruni, Wamai, Ace, and Ghost please report to the briefing room.

(Y/n): Well, looks like I'm getting my first mission assignment. Might as well start heading to the briefing room and see what Harry has in store. Not sure why I'm being brought along for this when the NIGHTHAVEN operators alongside Nøkk could handle this better than I could. My guess is just for nothing other than for plot purpose. -(Y/n) looks at the camera and winks-

Z: GODDAMMIT, SERIOUSLY!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO REPAIR THE 4TH WALL?!? AH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Alright, Take Two! If you need me, I'm going to get the duct tape to repair the glass...

Take two!

(Y/n): Well, looks like I'm getting my first mission. Let's see what will it be.

(Y/n) starts to make his way to the briefing room. Along the way, he see Blackbeard and Blackbeard waved him down to talk to him.

Craig: (Y/n), I overheard your name getting called for briefing. Good luck, brother.

(Y/n): Thanks dude. I'll see ya when I get back. Drinks will be on me afterwards so invite some friends to come along.

Craig: I'll hold you to that.

(Y/n) continues to the briefing room and sees Valkyrie leaning against the wall outside of the room.

Valk: Hey hun, I need to talk to you really quick.

(Y/n): What's wrong, Meghan? You sound worried.

Valk: Please, just be careful. You still haven't fully healed up from the attack earlier in the week. You're ribs have partially healed, but they are still cracked.

(Y/n): Meghan, I'll be fine, I promise. What can I do to assure you that I'll come back in one piece?

Valk: I can think of a few things that you can do... -Meghan proceeds to give the Agent a seductive look- (Don't worry, it will not be going the way you think...)

(Y/n): How about this, you go and talk with Kali or Nøkk and make some sort of arrangement with them to keep an eye on me. That way you have someone watching me while you're not there. That work with you?

Valkyrie thinks for a few seconds and nods.

Valk: That works with me. I'll go check in with them.

(Y/n): Alright, well, I need to get to briefing.

-with Valkyrie-

Meghan sees the operators from NIGHTHAVEN which included Wamai, Aruni, and Ace. Kali and Nøkk were seen just down the corridor behind the the other three.

Valk: Hey, Jai, Nøkk, can I speak to you in private?

Kali: Yeah, sure.

Nøkk: Of course, my friend.

Kali signals for the three to head on in. They proceed in and leave the three in the hall.

Kali: Meghan, what's up? Something you need?

Nøkk: You sound very worried.

Valk: Can you two keep an eye on (Y/n) for me? I'm worried that he'll get more hurt on the mission and I want to ensure he stays safe.

Nøkk: I can do that. The kid seems innocent, even for his own good.

Kali: Of course. Although, we'll need something in return...

Valk: What will you need in return?

Kali: Let us join the little thing you have going on between you and Taina. We seem to have taken a liking to the little guy.

Valk: Deal.

Nøkk and Kali: We'll see you when we get back.

Valk: Later.

-inside the briefing room-

The Division Agent is sitting in the back of the room in one of the many chairs that are seated in the room. He sees Ace and Wamai come in. He gets up, walks up to them, and introduces himself.

(Y/n): Hello there.

Ace and Wamai: Hey./How are you?

(Y/n): I'm doing alright with all things considered. You guys are from NIGHTHAVEN, right?

The two: Yeah.

(Y/n): Alright, well, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Codename is Ghost.

Ace: Nice to finally get to meet ya after what happened.

Wamai: Same here. How you feeling after everything?

(Y/n): I'm fine. Just trying to get used to my new arm. Anyway, let's sit down

The three sit down with the two NIGHTHAVEN operators sitting a little bit far from the Division Agent. Nøkk and Kali are seen entering the room. They sit down behind our hero. Harry is then seen walking into the briefing room, alongside Jäger and Doc.

Harry: Thank you for coming in such short notice. We have a situation in Seacrest County.

Ace: What's the SITREP?

Harry: The situation on the ground is that the White Masks have taken several US senators hostage and are holding them for ransom.

(Y/n) can vaguely be heard cursing under his breath.

Harry: Team Rainbow has been authorized to help and support the local SWAT Teams. You'll be cleared for more intel on the situation when you arrive at the location and meet up with Captain Winters of the FBI. (Possible reference to someone.) Doc will be on standby there to help provide medical assistance to anyone who gets hurt and Jäger will be your pilot. Any questions?

All 6 operators: No, sir!

Harry: Good. Grab any gear you need and meet Jäger at the Hanger in 15 minutes. You are all dismissed.

All eight operators get up and leave the room to head to the armory to load up. Harry can be seen leaving the room and heading to his office. It is at Harry's office, he heads over to his planning board. Harry can be seen looking over his new plans for The 2021 Program with Zero watching from a chair while drinking a cup of coffee.

To be continued...

A/n note: Sorry for the huge-ass wait, you guys. I had writer's block for about a week before getting sick. Anyway, I'm happy with how this chapter came out. I'll see ya next time. -Z.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now