Chapter 9

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow...

Harry: Defenders eliminated! Attackers win!!

Location: House Simulation Room; Time: 1000

As Harry declared the win to the Attackers, namely (Y/n), (Y/n) can be seen smiling with sweat going down his face. The Defenders that has been eliminated were impressed with the amount of skill that their new teammate possessed, but Tachanka wasn't so much as he expected a fair bit out of him. He just didn't expect to get shot through two soft walls, which he is still extremely sore from....

All of the people that had been watching were impressed with the high skill set (Y/n) presented during the simulation. Harry smiled knowing that's what he expected. Many recruits were jealous of (Y/n), saying that they could have done that with ease and generally being assholes about him.

Now it was time for (Y/n) to be a Defender.

Harry: Next up, Attackers vs. (Y/n),

After Harry said that, the selected Attackers looked at each other with some of worry, some of amazement, and some of wonder. (Y/n) walked into the house for his turn as a Defender. Harry tapped into (Y/n)'s comms to give him the rundown of how defending works.

Harry: Okay, (Y/n), the way defending instead of attacking works is that first there is a prep phase like before. Plan out how you'll do this then defend the objective. This time, instead of a hostage, you have to defend a makeshift bomb. The reason why it's a bomb is because that sometimes in our line of work, we sometimes need to defend bombs from hostiles trying to get them active while we disarm/defuse them. The way this'll work though is different, we have it so then you'll need to disable the diffuser, this is so it acts like the diffuser is a fail safe system the enemies planted so if enemies plant a mechanism to override the remote activation and put it on a timer before it goes boom.

(Y/n): Okay, that's a lot of info, but I got the gist of it.

Harry: Good to hear, all Defenders have their phones, in your case that being the ISAC systems, linked to the camera system of the house and have two reinforcements. However, I've made the exception to allow you to have five since you're going up against 8 Attackers.

Harry on intercom: I would like for Montagne, Twitch, Ash, Thermite, IQ, Iana, Sledge, and Thatcher to report to the Attackers prep room.

(Y/n): Okay, let's get started.

-in the Attackers prep room-

Thatcher can be seen tweaking his EMP grenades while talking with Sledge, his fellow SAS teammate and friend , who is fixing up his Breaching Hammer. Iana who is calibrating her Gemini Replicator is seen chatting with IQ who is tweaking her R.E.D. Mk III "Spectre. Ash who is reassembling her CREM launcher after checking all parts to it is talking with her friend from the FBI SWAT, Thermite who is putting the finishing touch on his Brimstone charges. Montagne checked his Shield as he's helping Twitch fix her drone.

-back to (Y/n)-

(Y/n is seen with a sticky bomb launcher, Decoy, Shock Traps, Shield, and a Turret on his Go-Bag, putting the last reinforcement down onto the wall. He swipes the sweat off his face from setting everything up,. He has AK-M instead of his UMP-45, but still has the Super 90. He swapped out the Sharpshooter Specialization for the Survivalist Specialization with the crossbow on his Go-Bag. His AK-M is leaning against the wall, but he picked it up.

(Y/n) to himself: Fuckin' hell. Let's get this done.

It was at this moment that he heard Harry start speaking.

Harry: Prep phase is over. Time remaining: 5 minutes.

(Y/n) looked out the window and saw Ash rushing to the front door. He also saw Montagne shooting at him through the window so he had to relocate to the lower levels.

-with the Attackers-

Montagne is seen moving with Twitch behind him in the garage.

Monty: Get behind me.

Twitch: Okay. Cover me while I use my drone.

Monty fully deployed his shield while Twitch threw out her second shock drone as (Y/n) had disabled the first one during the prep phase with the EMP pulse earlier. When she took a look around the corner, she saw our main character there coming down the hallway.

Twitch: Tango, around the corner.

Monty: Got it.

Monty threw a flashbang around the corner. (Y/n) was blinded and got shot 2 times, but managed to first drop his turret down to distract them and then Division style combat rolled into the workout room.

(Y/n): Fuck! ISAC, activate Scanner pulse now!

ISAC: Deploying Scanner. 8 hostiles detected.

(Y/n) saw where Twitch and Montagne were in garage, so he pullled out the sticky bomb and shotgun and shot the soft wall out and shot the sticky bomb into the room. He detonated it and heard two groans.

Harry: 6 v 1.

-back to (Y/n)-

(Y/n) packed up his turret and headed up to the second floor where he saw Sledge and Thatcher heading to kitchen. He threw his turret behind them and the turret started firing at the two. When Sledge heard the thump, he looked back and his eyes widened at the sight of the turret. He tackled Thatcher down and both avoided the oncoming bullets.

Thatcher: Damn, Seamus (Sledge's real name). Thanks for the save.

Sledge: No problem, Mike (Thatcher's real name). Even things can get by your old ass every now and then. Anyway, I'd recommend you hit that turret with one of your EMP Grenades.

Thatcher: Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Thatch threw it into the room and heard it go off. They went in only to see it still active and they were eliminated.

Harry: 4 v 1.

(Y/n) made his way to the front of the house. IQ and Iana were outside. Iana sent her Gemini Replicator into the room and saw what she thought was (Y/n). She told IQ that she saw him just standing there and they went in. IQ threw up her gadget and saw that it wasn't the real thing, but the Decoy we saw on our hero earlier. It turned off and from the hall, they saw what looked like a sphere being tossed in. The sphere broke and out cane 20 shock traps. The two were stunned by this and were shocked by the traps, knocking them unconscious.

(Y/n) to himself: Decoy with the shock traps works every time.

Harry; 2 v 1. Defuser planted. 60 second remain.

Ash and Thermite were in the master bedroom with the diffuser active. They had blown open the room and planted the diffuser. Thermite went roaming the first floor for their enemy, only to find the unconscious Iana and IQ. He was bewildered by this and saw the shock traps near them. He walked near one of them and was shocked. He yelled at this and heard the cock of a charging handle to an AK-M.

Thermite: -sighs and says quietly- Goddammit.

Harry: 1 v 1. 30 seconds.

Ash was worried as she was the last one remaining. She heard the creaking of the stairs and ran out, firing her G36C, only to be met with (Y/n) having his Bulwark Shield deployed. She ran out of ammo and ran back into the room, she reloaded and ran back out, this time with (Y/n) having his Shield in the Crusader Shield variant. He shot Ash 7 times with the AK-M and ran into the bedroom.

Harry: All Attackers eliminated. 15 seconds remaining.

(Y/n): ISAC! I need to know how to disable this thing fast!

ISAC: Scan complete. Recommend fully charged EMP to short circuit the electronics.

(Y/n) breathed in and out slowly, he switched the Scanner to EMP and charged it up. He let it go and it fried the diffuser.

Harry: Diffuser disabled. Defenders win!

To be continued...

A/n note: Het guys, Z here. Sorry for the delay on this. Anyways, here it is and I hope you guys enjoyed the newest chapter. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments. I'll see you guys next time - Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now