Chapter 25

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A/n note: First; I apologize that this chapter has been released super late as I've been busy with work and family life, but I'm happy to say that I've found some time to myself to dedicate some time to getting this chapter. Secondly; I've thinking about making a new story involving an idea I had come up a few days ago so maybe leave your thoughts about that in the comments. And now without further ado, HERE. WE. GO.

-3 weeks later-

As we pan down onto the sun rising up into the sky over an unknown abandoned building with various White Mask guards roaming about outside. The place is located 2 km away from New York City. We then can see into one of the windows of said building. Through the boarded up window, a few red watches are glowing visibly inside of the dark room. A few voices from some very certain individuals are heard discussing what their plan.

Keener: Alright everybody, you know why we're here in New York. We go and locate the equipment, explosives, and hostages we need to draw our priority target to here.

Hornet: Boss, if I may, it's not going to be that easy to manipulate their team into coming here just like that.

Jupiter: Sir, with all do respect, Hornet isn't wrong about it being difficult and I know from when he speaks like that to listen to him considering he's your second-in-command.

Keener: Patience, everyone. We still need to get everything and set up how we will kill that asshole.

Keener: Alright, so here's the plan...

-Meanwhile at Hereford Base-

As we look down upon the exterior of Hereford Base on this beautiful Saturday morning in mid June at 11 AM, we can see many of the operators outside enjoying their two days off that they get every two weeks. Many of the female operators are enjoying their days off with a bit of swimming in the pool outside of Hereford Base, sunbathing while talking with their friends, or playing a bit of volleyball on a patch of sand near the pool.. As for the men of Team Rainbow, they're enjoying the day off as well by swimming, playing basketball, playing the European type of football (I call it both soccer and football), and joining in for some volleyball. Zero can be seen chilling by the pool in casual wear of a Black T-shirt and gray cargo pants while sipping his traditional cup of coffee. There is one select operator that isn't participating in enjoying his days off with his buddies however. The operator appears to be the Division Agent as he's currently out cold on his couch with Mythbusters playing on the TV due to the fact he had a crazy week before today with going on many successful missions and making friends with all of the various operators in Team Rainbow, especially the two newest operators that had joined Rainbow in the last two weeks. The first one being the burglar-turned-FBI asset operator, Santiago "Flores" Lucero, who joined a week and half ago and the second one being Rainbow's newest pilot and medic, Mina "Thunderbird" Sky, who joined earlier in the week. Thunderbird, Nomad, and Frost happened to be walking by the Agent's room to join their fellow operators in playing around in the summer sun when they heard his loud snoring from inside his room.

Mina (Thunderbird): I'll check on him, you two go ahead and go join in the fun.

Tina (Frost): You sure? I'm happy to come with you to check up on him.

Sanaa (Nomad): Same here.

Mina: I'm sure.

Sanaa/Frost: Understood.

The two continued their way to join their friends while Thunderbird entered the Agent's room. As she entered, she noticed it was a lot messier than it typically was. (Y/n)'s Division Tech was strewn all over the room and a few of his weapons were just sitting on the workbench dismantled as the Agent had spent the previous night trying to fix them as the AKM, the UMP-45, and M1911 had jammed a few times on his last mission. The M32A1 along with the Crossbow and TAC-50I were disassembled along with the AKM and 1911 as they had misfired multiple times during training two days beforehand. When Thunderbird walked further into the room, she saw there were also blueprints to the Division Tech on how to fix and repair the tech and weapon schematics had been strewn around the room on the floor and the walls. She felt very bad for the Agent as he was under a lot of stress the last week so she decided to help him out by tidying up his room a bit. Mina had picked up the blueprints and schematics off of the floor and nicely put them into a pile next to the workbench. She then grabbed all the Division gadgets and placed them back into the storage space that held all of the gadgets. Mina then walked over to the unconscious Agent and leaned down, proceeding to give him a peck on the lips, covered him with a blanket, and turned off the TV. As soon as Thunderbird had turned her back turned to the Agent, he started to stir awake quietly and carefully due to having a massive headache from the night before. He blinked repeatedly and saw Thunderbird quickly cleaning up some of the things thrown all over the room. He proceeded to get up and walk over to Thunderbird, giving her a hug from behind while mumbling a thank you to her. Thunderbird smiled and turned around to hug (Y/n) while giving him a kiss in the cheek.

Thunderbird: Did you have a rough time last night?

(Y/n): Yup. Couldn't sleep for the life of me even with taking my prescribed melatonin from Doc and didn't fall asleep until about maybe 4-5 hours ago. Hence why you most likely heard my loud snoring. Thank you by the way, Mina.

Thunderbird: No problem, love. Now, why don't you get dressed appropriately to enjoy swimming or playing some games with us out in the sun.

(Y/n): Alright, I'll see what I got to wear, go catch up with the others and I'll meet you outside.

Thunderbird: Alright, love. Take care.

Thunderbird gives the Agent another peck on the cheek before leaving his room.

(Y/n): Alright, let's see what I got to wear for swimming.

(Y/n) walked over to his bedroom and opened his wardrobe. He grabbed a pair of camouflage shorts that he had used in the past to swim in and his favorite tank top that had a eagle fighting a Phoenix on it. After he got dressed, he grabbed his Division issued Smartwatch and attached it to his right wrist

(Y/n): Hey ISAC, play the song "Fortunate Son" for me.

ISAC: Action confirmed.

(Feel free to play the music)

And with that, he walked out of his room and out of Hereford Base to join his fellow ops with enjoying the summer fun.


Thunderbird can be seen walking out of the base to enjoy the summer fun and she walks over to a group consisting of Gridlock, Amaru, Ela, and Valkyrie who are sunbathing. Gridlock and Amaru are chatting away with Ela while Valk is currently talking to someone on her phone while the rest are chatting among themselves.

Thunderbird: Hey girls, what's up?

Gridlock: Nothin' really too exciting yet.

Amaru: You said it, Tori.

Thunderbird: Who is Meghan talking to on the phone?

Ela: Nobody knows, she's trying her best to mask whoever it is on the other end.

Valk: Okay, so we got it all setup for his birthday? Good, okay thanks. I'll call you back later. Alright, later.

Valk then hung up on the call.

Valk: Sorry about that, girls. Just had to take a private phone call. Oh, hey Mina.

Thunderbird: Hey Meg. I just got here from (Y/n)'s dorm.

Valk: Cool, anyways let's enjoy the summer fun.

-2 hours later-

(Y/n) is seen just chilling on one of the pool chairs asleep for about an hourwith a Arizona Half'n'Half Lemon Ice Tea in the cup holder on his chair with Kali and Aruni keeping an eye on him from a distance in the pool. (Y/n) had then been woken up by Castle.

Miles (Castle): Hey man, you up for a bit of basketball?

(Y/n): Sure, why not?

The two then went over to the court and joined Maverick, Blackbeard, Pulse, Thermite, Glaz, Smoke, Sledge, and Mute for a 5v5 game of basketball using NBA street rules.

-35 minutes later-

After the 5v5 game ended in a tie, all the operators of Team Rainbow decided to make some food on the barbecue grills they rented for the weekend with everyone enjoying burgers, hot dogs, and more. After (Y/n) had finished eating, his watch had began vibrate against his prosthetic arm, alerting him that he had a message. Opening said message, what he saw in the pictures that had been attached to the message were grim along with the message itself.


A/n note: Anywho, that's a wrap on Chapter 25. Let me know if you guys want more and if you ever want to see that story idea I had thought of come to fruition. See ya next time.

-Z signing off....

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now