Chapter 16

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A/n note: This chapter is going to have many references throughout it. See if you can find them all.

(Y/n) walks into the room and sees two people he wished he never would've seen again.

(Y/n), muttering: Son of a Bitch. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

There were six people in total waiting in the room.

Two of them who were Russell Adler and the other one being Jason Hudson who were two of the last people he ever wanted to see again. The other four people in the room were Alex Mason, Frank Woods, Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay, and Helen Park.

(I can't add pictures for some dumb reason.)

Alder: (L/n)! Been a while.

(Y/n), letting out a low grunt: Oh fuck off with shit. Why the fuck are you here, Hudson? Here to screw up operations again like back in Afghanistan when because of your bullshit with being vague and a fucking ice cube, I was taken captive by Al-Qatala after our squad barely made it out alive. What about you, Adler? You here to try to fuck things up again like back in Iraq where you had fucked up orders from the commander and threw me under the bus for it and due to that, I almost got dishonorably discharged.

(As you can tell, I don't like Hudson or Adler from Cold War all that much.)

Hudson: No. We're here on priv-

Hudson didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence before (Y/n) punched him in the face and pushed him against the wall of the room while holding him against the wall.

(Y/n): You better have a good fucking reason for being here...

Hudson: I'd advice you to refrain yourself from starting anything funny.

It was at that moment that there was an audible click heard in the room.

The Division Agent then felt something poke against his chest and looked down. Hudson was holding a Beretta M9 to his gut.

(Y/n): Fine.

The Division Agent backed off and then noticed the other four operatives behind Hudson and Alder.

Mason was just watching with a slight smile for being happy that Hudson finally got some karma for being a dick, Woods was surprised to see this from his friend, Lazar had a stoic expression on his face as he suspected something like that would happen, Park and Adler were both just shaking their heads.

(Y/n); So what brings you 6 out here to Hereford of all places anyway? Hudson, Adler, Mason, Lazar, and Woods, I know you guys are probably here for intel for the CIA. Park, since you work for MI6, I'm assuming that you're here for intel to send back to the Crown.

Woods: Well, you deduced correctly. Do the names El Sueño, General Sebastiano Di Ravello, and Joseph Seed ring any bells to you?

(Y/n): Depends. Why do you ask?

Park: We have reason to believe that the three individuals in question are slowly becoming allies of the White Mask terrorist organization.

(Y/n): Then yeah, the names do ring a bell. I've heard a lot from some contacts of mine. Ravello is a dictator that's hellbent on total control of the country of Medici, El Sueño is the leader of the Santa Blanca drug cartel based out of Bolivia, and Joseph Seed is the leader of the cult calling themselves "Eden's Gate" or some shit along those lines. You still didn't answer my question of why you're asking me of all people about them...

Hudson/Adler: That's why we need your help. We need information on leads that we can use to take action against these assholes.

(Y/n): Hmmm. I can get into contact with a few friends of mine. For Seed, I can provide contact for you guys with some close family friends that has been keep a close eye on the cult. -(Y/n) quickly writes down the address of the bar his friend owns- Here. Head to this address and when you approach the bartender, say "We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins." Then ask to see Ezio Auditore and Nick Rye and they'll help you out.

Lazar: What about the other two?

(Y/n): For Ravello, head to the island of Pancu and head to this military base. -(Y/n) write down another address- Ask for Rico Rodriguez and that should get you in contact with my Uncle. And for El Sueño, head to Bolivia. That's the country that Santa Blanca operates in and head to Barvechos. Head to the rendezvous point, Barvechos Bravo, and you will find a Ghost Recon team led by Tony Perryman that's being under the supervision of CIA Handler Karen Bowman.

Mason: You have a lot of friends in different outfits, Ghost.

(Y/n): In our line of work, Mason, it's important to make friends wherever you can.

Mason: That is true.

(Y/n): Anyway, is there any other intel you guys need?

All: No, we're all good here so we'll be leaving in an hour or so.

Park: (Y/n), may I speak to you in private for a minute before I leave?

(Y/n): Ummm, sure?

The five CIA operatives that the idea and left the room through the door that leads to the outside of the building.

(Y/n): So what's up, Park?

Park: I wanted to personally thank you for the intel you provided today.

Park walks over to the Agent and proceeds to kiss him on the cheek.

Park: Stay safe.

And she walks out the door.

(Y/n) to himself: you know what, I'm not even gonna question it at this point.

(Y/n) walks out of the interrogation room and is met with Kali, Mira, Aruni, Valk, and Caveira watching the ordeal that went down in the room through the 1 way window. Mira and Kali had looks of worry on their faces since they saw Cav and Valk's expressions while Aruni just had a face of confusion for what had just happened in the room. Meanwhile, Cav and Valk had looks of jealousy and anger on their faces due to seeing Park kiss the Agent on the cheek.

(Y/n) muttering: Goddammit. I swear my luck gets worse as the day goes on. Regular tone: Fuck this.

And (Y/n), with zero fucks given, just runs out of the room faster than an Ash rush on house. Kali, Aruni, and Mira just all look at each other confused. Cav and Valk on the other hand just start running after the run away Agent.

To be continued...

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