Chapter 20

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After 7 seven long hours, the Black Hawk touches down on the landing pad back at Hereford Base. Seven operators excluding the Division Agent are seen exiting the helo and start walking into the base. (Y/n) however was modifying one of his skills and now exited the helo. He tuned up the Scanner Pulse and managed to make a new skill. The new skill he's working on is a Pulse that pinpoints any weakness and weak point located anywhere on any enemy he marks with it. The intel is then shared with his team and can then be exploited by his squad-mates to easily eliminate any major threats quickly and effectively. (Y/n) named the new modified skill the "Achilles". (If anyone knows what you have to do in order to get your hands on the Achilles skill, then I'm happy to say that the person who you kill for it is dead.) (Y/n) heads into Hereford Base and is meet with Valkyrie as soon as walking into the commons area.

Valk: How'd the mission go, love?

(Y/n) : It went without trouble, which I'm really happy about.

Valk: Glad to hear it. Harry wanted me to come and let you know that he wanted to speak with you when you got back.

(Y/n): Thanks Meg, I'll go see him.

Valk: Alright, I'll see you later tonight, hun.

Valk proceeds to give the Agent a quick peck on the lips and walks off.

(Y/n): Let's see what is that Harry wants. I have a feeling it's not good.

(Y/n) makes his way towards Harry's office with a concerned look as he was heavily confused on why Harry would want to talk with him. The Agent knocks on door to Harry's office and waited.

Harry: Come in!

(Y/n) proceeded through the door and salutes Harry before settling down.

(Y/n): You wanted to see me about something, sir?

Harry: Yes, I did, please have a seat.

(Y/n) sits down in the chair facing Harry and Harry starts.

Harry: (Y/n), I had forgotten to previously tell you about the Tournament of Champions that will be taking place within the next few weeks. I wanted to to let you know about it so you'd be able to participate in the tournament.

(Y/n): Alright, I'm intrigued. What's the Tournament of Champions?

Harry: The Tournament of Champions is an event for the Program between various teams comprised of different members of Team Rainbow. This year is going to be different as select teams have a Team Captain and will have assigned teammates based on who gets along with who and who could use some time working along side with one. Use Kali and Ash for example, they don't really like each other so I have Kali on Team Ash as Ash is one of the team captains.

(Y/n): This seems like fun. What was it you were needing from me with this, sir?

Harry: Would you like to participate in the Tournament? If so, you'd need to be on Team Mira as they have an uneven team number without you in it.

(Y/n): Sure, I don't see why not. I might change my mind later on participating as I feel like I might bring an unfair advantage to the team I'm assigned to. Is that alright with you, Harry?

Harry: Of course, you just have to tell me and your team captain so we can sort out what will happen going forward. Other than that, allow me to write down your name on Team Mira's roster so your teammates know that you're with them.

(Y/n): You got it, boss.

Harry wrote down (Y/n)'s name on the roster for the Tournament and looked back at the Agent.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now