Chapter 33

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A/n note: I apologize about going MIA for the past few weeks. My arm is healed up for the most part, but I don't want to give too much info beyond that. I'm happy I found some time to write this chapter. Anyways.... Without further ado....

P.S. This chapter will be a bit more graphic than my usual chapters so read at your own risk.

Previously on The Agent of Rainbow....

We see gunfire being exchanged between a group of individuals vs one lone operator. We can see (Y/n) who is rappelling down from a chopper with the Division issue rappelling tool in his right hand while his shoots his 1911 in his left hand. As for the group, we see the white masks are still trying to kill the lone Division Agent as he rappels down from his chopper, but they have some sort of new tech along with some new enemy support.

As Ghost continues to rappel down from the chopper, he sees a Black Tusk heavy on the rooftop start to spin up his minigun before he start started to open fire on the Agent. Unfortunately for Ghost, some of the bullets fired hit the rappel line and caused it to snap which sent the Agent falling 7 feet to the ground. As he hit the ground hard, he felt his elbow on his left arm pop out of alignment and become dislocated.

(Y/n): Fucking hell. Of course this had to happen now of all things. Well, this is going to hurt like hell, but I need to fix myself up if I plan to finish this mission.

Ghost places the blade of his ax in between his teeth and braces himself. He grabs his dislocated lower arm with his prosthetic arm and pull the dislocation back. He breathes heavily for a movement before his yanks the dislocated arm downward and manages to pop his elbow back into alignment. He grunts at the sudden pain, but is relieved that his arm is fixed.

(Y/n): Glad my arm is fixed. -he turns his head to his left as he heard footsteps coming- Aw, shit.

Ghost saw there BT assaulters turn the corner and start to open fire with their Bren assault rifles. He combat rolls behind some cover before he grabbed his shotgun from off his back. He blind fires the shotguns around the corner and fires off 4 rounds of buckshot in quick succession with swift pulls off the trigger. Ghost looks around to see the three dead on the ground with multiple buckshot holes in their corpses.

Ghost: Fuckin' pricks. Who the hell is this VIP? Valdimir Putin? Nah, that idiot wouldn't be able to hold this sort of shit.

(I'm poking a little fun at the stupid decision made by Putin to try to invade Ukraine, but I'm not trying to start another shitshow like I did earlier in this book. I fully support the people of Ukraine. I am cool with Russia in general, but I just don't like how Putin is running right now.)

Ghost leaves his cover. He then spots a window he can use to avoid the outside enemy patrols as the place is already on high alert. He walked over to the windows and manages to break the lock on the window and push it up, allowing him to enter the place without alerting enemies to where he is. As he entered a hallway from the empty room he was previously in, he heard ISAC alert him to something.

ISAC: Hostile radio intercepted.

A thick accented voice then spoke over into Ghost's comms thanks to ISAC's radio interception.

???: All soldiers. LISTEN UP AND LISTEN WELL!! I want this man captured alive. I don't care how much it takes!! I will not tolerate any form of failure at all. He is currently inside the building as seen on the cctv terminal. Find him and bring him to me. I will be in my office on the second floor. Find him immediately!

Ghost: Well, looks like it's time to go loud.

Ghost swaps his Super 90 shotgun for his AKM on his Go-Pack and loaded some HEI (High Explosive Incendiary) rounds into the mag before feeding it into his assault rifle.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now