Chapter 13

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow..

Harry and Sam: Gentlemen, Laswell. Good to see you again. How goes the new Task Force 141?

Location: Hereford Base Private Meeting Room #5; Time: 1345

Price: It's going good. We managed to finally take down the Al-Qatala terrorist organization a few days ago.

Roach: Ghost and I had a near death experience after General Shepherd was shot dead during exfil from the Caucasus Mountains by a sniper.

Ghost: Not only that, we had found info on Makarov and Zakhaev so Task Force 141 will be hunting them down in the next 5-7 days.

Soap: As it turns out, Shepherd was planning on betraying the Task Force and killing us, but as told by Roach, you know what happened to that backstabbing piece 'o shite.

Sam: Sounds like a lot has happened since last time we met back in March.

Harry: Indeed. Anything else happen?

Laswell: As stated previously, General Shepherd was disowned by the US and same goes for General Barkov.

Alex: Farah and the Urzikstani Liberation Force managed to liberate Urzikstan from AQ.

Gaz: Mr. Z, AKA: Viktor Zahkaev has been locked up in prison, but we're still hunting down his father, Imran.

Yuri: General Barkov was killed in the joint operation, Op. Kingfish, with US, UK, and Russian special forces working together.

Price, Alex, and Gaz: He got what was comin' to him/I'm glad that he's dead/He deserved it.

Laswell: Now that that's out of the way, why did you arrange your have us meet you here instead of the normal rendezvous, Harry?

Harry: Well, I believe that most of the men in the room have meet this individual that will be popping up on the screen now. -Harry turns to the big screen that's behind him and hits a button on his remote, showing a picture of our main character-

Price: Bloody hell, (Y/n)'s still alive? I'm surprised to say the least as I thought he was discharged from the SEALs.

Roach: It's good to see him alive though. He probably still thinks that Ghost, Soap, Yuri, and I are dead.

Soap: I still feel horrible about having to fake our deaths to force Zahkaev's hand and him thinking we died back in the Caucasus Mountains.

Ghost: Ya ain't the only one feelin' like shite, mate. I just hope he doesn't hate us for it.

Harry: All things aside, he's doing fine, but he's been involved in a bad incident. -Harry plays the video collected from the recruit's phone on the screen-

All of the people in the room watch in horror at what happened. Laswell watched in sorrow as a good friend of hers has gotten hurt, as for Task Force 141, let's just say that mad is a very bad understatement...

All of them are ready to go kill the 5 that attacked their brother-in-arms.

Harry: Hey. The 5 have already been deported and arrested in their countries of origin. What I called you all here for is a joint operation between Team Rainbow and Task Force 141. Since (Y/n) is out of action, I need help with this op I had set up to be his first mission.

Price nods to Alex and Laswell.

Task Force 141: We're in.

Harry: Good. Sam, please show them to the briefing room.

Sam: Yessir.

-at the girls dorm-

We can see our main character walking behind Meghan. Many gasps were heard from the female operators. As soon as (Y/n) laid down on his bed, Meghan got behind him and hugged him to her chest.

(Y/n): Meghan, are you acting like this because you have feelings for me?

Meghan blushes heavily at this and nodded.

(Y/n): Well, I accept your feelings and feel the same way.

Meghan is very happy to hear this and gives the Division Agent a passionate kiss.


Kali and Nøkk watch the events unfold and smile.

Kali: I'm glad that he's okay. I might want to talk with Meghan about something that involves a certain someone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nøkk: You're not the only one.

A/n note: I'm super sorry about the huge fuckin' delay on this chapter and for it being super short. I'll see what I can do in the next one. -Z

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now