Chapter 14

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Location: Hereford Base; Time: 11:35

As we see into the female dorms of Hereford Base, (Y/n) can be waking up from his 4 hour nap. As he wakes up, he sees that Valkyrie was still behind him and hugging him into her *ahem* asset. He blushes at this and carefully gets out from the hug that he was in. As the Agent looks around the dorms, he sees that most of the female Operators were gone or were minding their own business. Namely, these being Frost, Amaru, Ash, IQ, and Dokkaebi. He sees Tina look at him and give him a nod along with Eliza smiling at him and the two walk over to him.

Tina: Ghost, good to see you back on your feet.

Eliza: Damn good to see you off that bed.

(Y/n): Thanks, although I don't believe I got your name beforehand.

Tina: Right, silly me! I'm Tina Lin Tsang and it's nice to meet ya, Ghost.

Eliza: And I'm Eliza "Ash" Cohen

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, Tina, and it's nice to meet you too, Eliza. I'm (Y/n) "Ghost" (L/n). And as you can see, I look like hammered shit and feel like it too, considering my prosthetic right arm was destroyed and I don't have it on so I just have my stump. -he then proceeds to shakes his stump around-

Tina and Eliza both laughs at this.

Tina: I guess. Anyway, you should probably head to the canteen and grab some grub. I'll meet you there in 10 minutes.

Eliza: I'll join you two there.

(Y/n): Yeah alright, I'll see you later.

Tina and Eliza: Later!

(Y/n) walls out and starts walking to the canteen. He first heads to the hospital room. He sees his watch on the destroyed prosthetic and takes it off the arm. He attaches it to his left arm.

(Y/n): ISAC, watch and system report please.

ISAC: Watch fully operational and systems fully functional. Recalibration recommended as to ensure complete functionality.

(Y/n): Got it, thanks. ISAC, send a message to Harry that I'm doing alright and play "Master Plan" by Simon Viklund.

(Play this song.)

ISAC: Confirmed. Playing song now and message sent.

He finishes up in the room and walked out. He saw Blackbeard walking down towards him with his friends, Erik "Maverick" Thorn, Jordan "Thermite" Trace, Miles "Castle" Campbell, Jack "Pulse" Estrada, and Collinn "Warden" McKinley.

Craig: GODDAMN! He lives! You doin' alright, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Alright I suppose.

Erik: It's good to see ya again, (Y/n). It's been a while since I've seen you since we collaborated in Operation Grim Sky with the intel you were cleared to share with me. Luckily, I was allowed to give it to the old Six which lead to multiple White Mask command posts being taken out.

Collinn: Same here. Glad to see that you're okay, I'll send a letter to your family that you're alright fir you.

(Y/n): I appreciate it, Collinn. You're always there for my family, thanks man.

Warden: You got it.

Thermite, Pulse, and Castle: Anyway, it's nice to ya, Ghost.

(Y/n): Guys, you can just call me (Y/n). Anyway, I'm heading to the canteen to get some food, you guys want to join me?

All 6 operators: Sure.

(Y/n): Cool.

-in the female dorms; Time: 11:40-

Meghan is seen waking up from nap. She goes to hug the Division Agent to her chest again only to find nothing there. She opens her eyes and looks around the dorms for (Y/n), but doesn't see him anywhere. She looks at her alarm clock seeing it say 11:40.

Meghan: Man, that was good nap, I wonder where (Y/n) is though.

Meg looks around and sees Tina and Eliza chanting away and she decides to talk with them.

Eliza: He's super cute.

Tina: I know, right?

Meghan: Hey guys, do you know where (Y/n) went by chance?

Eliza: Yeah, he left to head to the canteen for food, we were about to head there now, you wanna join?

Meghan: You guys sure I can join you? I don't want (Y/n) to think I'm obsessing over him getting hurt and taking care of him.

Tina: Hey, it's fine I assure you that you're able to join us.

Meghan: Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.

-with da boys-

(Y/n) can be seen sitting down with Blackbeard, Maverick, and Warden.

(Y/n): Man, it honestly feels good to sit down after being stuck in a bed for about 5-6 days.

Craig: No shit, it does. I know the feeling after getting shot 3 times in the leg earlier this year.

??:(Y-Y-Y/n)?! Is that really you?

(Y/n) hears a startled voice and looks behind him.

(Y/n): Taina!?

To be continued....

A/n note: I'm getting back into writing these so expect more soon. I'll see ya next time.-Z

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