Chapter 2

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Location: Hereford Base; Time 14:30

As we go into the the HQ of Team Rainbow, we can see the Director of Rainbow; Codenamed "Six" or as he prefers "Harry" watching the footage of (Y/N) clearing the bank back in Miami. He is very intrigued by what he sees and who this individual is. All that Harry knew was that he is ex-Navy SEAL who worked with Blackbeard and Valkyrie and that nothing much is known about him.

So Harry called in two Specialists that he knew could give him some insight to who the mysterious man can be. Those being Blackbeard and Valkyrie as he knew they served with him after he researched possibilities on who our main character is.

-To Blackbeard and Valkyrie-

Craig was enjoying a burger while chatting with Buck, Mozzie, Goyo, and Thatcher. Meghan was over in the female dorms chatting with all her girlfriends (not literally girlfriends) when the heard the intercom turn on.

Harry (intercom): Will Operators Blackbeard and Valkyrie please report to Harry's office.

When Craig heard this, he was confused, but went anyway after he finished eating and saying bye to his friends. Meghan too was confused by this.

Tina (Frost): Why are you being called to meet with Harry?

A/N note: I'm going to make it so when the operators speak, their name will be there while I put the operator's code name in ()

Meghan (Valkyrie): I dunno, I'll have to see what it's about. Hopefully, not a mission as we all are on our monthly weekend off.

Taina (Caveira): Well, the only way to find out is to getting going. Good luck.

Meghan: Yeah, no shit. Anyways, I'll leave ya guys be. I gotta get going to Harry's office.

And with that, Meghan leaves the female dorms and starts her way to Harry's office. She meets up with Craig outside. She asks him if he knows why they're down here and he doesn't know either.

Craig (Blackbeard): Anyways, let's head inside.

And with that, they did. They walked in and saw Harry watching the cam footage once again. Meghan coughed and that got Harry's attention. He stood up and started speaking.

Harry: Okay you two, don't worry, you aren't in trouble. I've called you guys here to see if you guys have heard of a certain (Y/N) (L/N).

Meghan and Craig were shocked because they have heard that name in years. Craig then spoke.

Craig: Yeah, we know him. He served with us during our team in the SEALs before we were recruited into Rainbow. He saved us from being killed, but was taken hostage by Al-Qatala. After that, we haven't heard anything from him. Why do you ask?

Harry: Well, he is alive and well, he managed to escape from those holding him hostage, but I need you two to take a look at some footage I've received from Aurelia about a potential candidate for a new Operator.

Harry proceeded to show them the bank cam footage of (Y/N) clearing the bank. Both of the Navy SEALs were shocked to see their friend alive and how efficient he was against the White Masks. They were sure that he was dead, but were happy to see their friend to be in good health.


Harry: As you can plainly see, he's fine and that he knows his way around a weapon. Do you see why I am interested in attempting to recruit him for Rainbow?

Meghan: Yeah, I do.

Craig: Is (Y/N) the man who I heard was the guy to clear an entire bank out of hostiles?

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now