Chapter 21

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Last time on The Agent of Rainbow...

Ash: Jai, I think he might be in London down near Piccadilly Circus. I have a feeling I know where to look. Please trust me on this, can we put out differences aside for now and bring home our lost teammate?

Kali: Alright, fine, it's a deal. Eliza, I'll grab Tina (Frost) and Elena (Mira) for back up to help get him to come back with us.

From where we last left of, Kali and Ash are planning on how to find the AWOL Division Agent. After they form their plan, they went to see Frost and Mira an out joining them in retrieving the lost asset. As the two approached the bunk room where Frost and Mira are, they heard Taina talking with them outside the room.

Caveira: Hey Tina, Elena, have either of you two seen (Y/n)? I haven't seen him since the freak out in the locker rooms and I want to check on him after his outburst.

Frost: No, I haven't seen him. Though, I am worried about what happened since I heard the shouting.

Mira: Nada, I haven't seen him, either. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll turn up, Taina.

Cav: Alright. I'm just worried about the idiota. He tends to get nervous and anxious when he's by himself after something like that. Anyway, I'll see you guys later.

Both: Adios./Later!

Cav is then seen leaving the bunk and Ash and Kali enter the room to talk to the girls in question.

Ash: Hey Tina, Hey Elena, you two okay after the events of the Tournament?

Frost: Yeah, I'm upset about the fight that broke out, but other than that, I'm all good.

Mira: I'm still surprised about what (Y/n) said about leaving Rainbow. I don't believe I've ever heard one of our own say that before.

Kali: Good news is that (Y/n) isn't leaving Team Rainbow like he said he is. He said that in anger and regretted saying it. Bad news is that he's gone AWOL and we can't find him.

Mira and Frost gasped, they were shocked that nobody knew where he is.

Ash: We've speculated that he is somewhere in London, specifically Piccadilly Circus, but we're not sure why.

Mira: I've managed to get his watch operational and we can use it to track his location.

Ash: You think you two can help us go after him? We don't feel like us two alone will convince him to come back.

Frost: I'll help, as long as I get to join the little thing Kali has going with him.

Mira: Same here.

??? and ???: We'll help too.

Kali and Ash turn around to along with Hibana.

Kali: Why do you tang to help us find him?

Aruni: He seems like a good kid.

Hibana: The kid is too innocent for his own good.

Both: We'll help as long as we get to join in too.

Kali: Alright, I'll have to talk Taina, Nøkk, and Meghan about this later, but alright.

Ash: Good, let's go find our teammate.

-timeskip brought to you by the new operator brought to Rainbow Six Siege, Flores, brought in the Crimson Heist update to R6S-

The six operators are seen entering the underground parking garage below Hereford Base. The six then walk over to two blacked out Jeeps with three operators getting in each jeep. Before they had came down to the garage, Ash had asked Harry if the six of them could go out for drinks as a cover so Harry wouldn't find out about the missing Agent and was cleared to go out. As the six began pulling out of the garage in the Jeep's, they look at the location Mira managed to get from the watch. The location is a bit away from where they currently are, but is not in Piccadilly Circus like Ash thought.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now