Chapter 30

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A/n note: I had major fucking writer's block so I apologize if this chapter ends up being ass.

As the boats approach their final destination, the Agent speaks.

(Y/n): This is it, let's finish this.

The boats run aground and all the Rainbow operators jump out of them before they all run to the weakened metal wall of the oil tanker. Thermite plants his Exothermic Brimstone charge to blow a hole into the wall. (Y/n) deploys three of his Assault Drone and assigns them to protect everyone. The brimstone charge finally went off and all the operators entered into the tanker only to be met when loads of gun fire from the upper catwalks and the open hull of the oil tanker. As the operators scrambled for cover, (Y/n)'s watch started to act up as he saw an encrypted message appear.


If you surrender yourself to the White Masks, we will release you sisters with no injures or issues. If you continue down this path, we won't hesitate to do what we must and kill everyone here.

(Y/n): Fuck. Alright, I have an idea for this. They most likely are saying that they will release hen when they probably won't. -he turns to his uncle- Uncle Sam, keep everyone on track to finding my siblings. I've got some business to deal with privately.

Fisher: Alright, if you know what you're doing, then go.

(Y/n) then ran from the group in the direction of a hallway leading to the brig.

Kali: Where's Ghost going?!?

Zero: He's taking care of something while we rescue his sisters. Let's get this done.

Kali: Understood

-twenty minutes later-

The Rainbow operators reach the area where they find the Kelso siblings being held at. They see Alani, Alexia, and Alexandra all in holding cells with their hands zip-tied behind their backs.

Zero: It's good to you three again, however not in the best circumstances I can see.

Alani: Fuckin' tell me about it. Anyways, get us the hell out of here.

Zero: Clash, get them out of there please.

Clash: I'm on it.

Clash walks over to the cells before getting onto one knee and starts picking the locks on the cells. She manages to get all the cells open before cutting each of the siblings loose from their binds.

The Kelso siblings: Thanks.

Kali: It's no problem, but we gotta get out of here now.

It was then that sirens began to go off signaling to the operators that the ship was starting to sink into the water.

Castle: We gotta get out asses in gear if you want escape this shit show in one piece!

Zero: Agreed! Everyone, to the boats!

-ten minutes later-

All the operators were at the boats before they started to depart. It was then that Valkyrie and Caveira noticed something.

Valkyrie: Wait, WHERE'S GHOST!? HE'S NOT HERE!!!

Zero: Shit. We can't go back for him, we can only hope he got out on his o-

Zero was cut off by the operators seeing and hearing an explosion in the water further away from where they currently were along with a boat speeding away from said explosion towards the operators.

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now