Chapter 6

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Previously on The Agent of Rainbow...

(Y/n): Woah there, reason why is because Harry has a special dorm being made for me that won't be ready for a few months so he told me to stay in with the females as the male dorms are full.

Girls: Oh, that's okay. We're sorry for cutting you off before you could finish. Yeah, just follow us.

(Y/n): Thank you guys, I really appreciate the help.

Location: Hereford Base; Time: 19:04

Our main protagonist can be seen waking behind the three operators that he met previously to the female dorms.

Yumi: So (Y/n), what exactly is the SHD or Strategic Homeland Division? I heard from Eliza and Miles that it's supposedly a a secret unit.

(Y/n): Well, the Division was created by President Bush back in 2007 after Op. Dark Winter and when Presidential Directive 51 is authorized, it gives the Division the signal to be able to operate to ensure the continuity of the government in mass panic situations. Like I said, the Division's main goal is to ensure the continuity of the government if shit hits the fan. The Division has Sleeper Agents all over the US that remain in cover until Directive 51 is authorized by the President of the United States. When we are authorized to operate, we outrank most government agents and officials except for entire federal agencies and the president.

Meghan, Tina, and Yumi: Damn. Anyways, we're here.

-Inside the female dorms-

Most of the female operators are chatting while getting for bed. Some talking about the new recruit and some gossiping about what the new recruit would be like.

Eliza: Well, that was better than I thought it was going to go. I'm honestly surprised that Olivier didn't open his fucking mouth for once.

Ela: Yeah, same here. I was sure that he was gonna say some sort of fucked up shit as he usually does.

Lera (Finka): Yeah, I saw Olivier open his mouth, but shut it immediately. Wonder what made him change his mind.

At that moment, (Y/n), Tina, and Yumiko, and Meghan walked in the door. All of the girls were surprised to see the new recruit walking into the female dorms instead of going to the male dorms.

Valk, Hibana, and Frost walked in the dorm, (Y/n) entered into the dorm only to have a knife thrown past his head into the wall. He is freaked out by this and fell backwards, hitting his head against the door. He turned to see who it was and it was thrown by Taina "Caveira" Pereira. Valk saw him fall back and ran to him.

Meghan: (Y/n)! Are you okay?!? Are you hurt?!?

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm fine, I just hit my head on the door when I fell.... What the hell was that?

Taina: Why the fuck is he in here? I swear if he tries anything, I'm cutting his bolas off! Bolas is Portuguese for balls)

Azucena (Amaru): Woah! Taina, what the fuck?! What is going on?

Meghan: Azu, chill. Taina, what the fuck is wrong with you?!? You nearly killed our new roommate!!

All girls except for Meghan, Tina, and Yumi: Wait, OUR NEW ROOMMATE IS THE NEW RECRUIT?!?

Aaaaand that's when all hell broke loose. Many of the girls were shouting about what would happen. Some being okay with it, some being against it as they thought he would be a pervert like the recruits are, and some remaining neutral. That's when (Y/n) decided on spoke up.

(Y/n): Woah, everybody calm down, okay?

Jaimini (Kali) and Zofia: Easy for you to fucking say when you're the only guy here, dipshit!

The Agent of Rainbow (Division Agent Male Reader x Rainbow Six Siege crossover)Where stories live. Discover now